Name That Station!

Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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Devil's Advocate

May 24, 2010
OK folks, I'm assuming you've seen stuff like this before on other forums. If not here's the deal. Someone posts an image of a station that is hopefully not too hard, but also not too obvious, and other folks try to remember (or guess) which station it is. Whoever guesses correctly posts the next image and so on.

Let's start off with one guess per person per calendar day and one visual or written hint from the original poster per day after the first until successfully guessed by another poster.

Active Amtrak passenger stations are allowed.

Inactive Amtrak passenger stations along active Amtrak routes are also allowed.

Stations can be used more than once provided the angle/season/lighting/interior/exterior etc. is substantially different.

Everything else is off-limits for now, including stations that are off-network or no longer standing.

If you've posted a station for people to name be sure to check back periodically to either name the winner or to add another hint.

You can include an additional photo of the station upon acknowledging the winning answer if you so choose.

If you guess correctly be prepared to post the next picture or open the thread to whoever has the next image ready.

Sound good? Let's get started!


Tough one Chris! Im gonna guess that it's the Amshak in SAS,( the crew and bagggage part towards the AlamoDome) your home station?? :unsure: ** Love the New Flavor of the Month Avatar! :rolleyes:
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Okay, we'll do an easy one (I think). Mostly I just want an excuse to post this, and most of my station pics have the sign!

I'm gonna guess Lamy too...I seem to recognize that car :p and Lamy was where the SWC stopped last time I was on it to pick up some private cars.

I'll post a picture however :)

Here's an inside shot of a station.

It has been posted before. It is not

a good photo of the station, but I'm

certain someone will recognize the station.

Sorry. I reread the instructions.

Please disregard my post.
No biggie. ^_^

As Ryan said, the idea is to correctly identify (or guess) the previous station's photo or image. We each get one chance to guess per day. If you're the first person to correctly identify the station in question then you alone are supposed to post a photo or image (such as a portion of a painted postcard) of the next station to guess. Or you can simply open the thread up to whoever has an image or photo ready for posting. The idea is not to post something obvious or something completely impossible to recognize. Full profile images or photos of clearly unique aspects of major stations are not what we're looking for. Nor are we looking for a zoomed-in picture of a single generic fixture that could be from just about anywhere. It should be hard to guess but not impossible to research. If you're going to pick a popular station then focus on a portion of it is not obvious or well known. It should be something just generic enough that even those who are already familiar with the station still might get it wrong on their first try. On the other hand, if you're posting a picture of a dilapidated station that hasn't had service in decades and is only seen from your window while being passed at 50+MPH then you should probably post a slightly more obvious angle. Hope that helps clarify the idea. If we need to we can always fine tune the rules as we see fit. :cool:

So how do you add a photo? I have a few good ones.
I would suggest you familiarize yourself with a site like
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Since nobody has taken a shot at it, let me do it- the last among the photos posted so far is Philadelphia 30th Street Station.

I am at work, now I will go home and post a photo with my question (just did pre-boarding if you'd call that

Edit: Sorry I did not see 30th Street was already answered. I take back my pre-boarding claim
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TCRT is correct, I just looked at a short video from my one visit to GRR and it matches.

I hosted a game like this on another forum (trivia, mostly non-rail) where I posted one photo a day and kept it open all day with replies instructed to be hidden with "spoiler" tags so people can guess w/o seeing prior answers.

I have a few of my own, but it appears TCRT has dibs.