Name That Station!

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Shouldn't be too hard.

I figured that it would be between Galesburg and Chicago, from your signature line. The fact that it had Superliner equipment told me it was Mendota, Princeton, or Galesburg, and I knew that it wasn't Naperville because it looks too small-towny. I knew it wasn't Princeton or Mendota due to the platform orientation, all of which I remember from 2006 :)

And sorry Shanghai. As much as I wish I could (and trust me, I could) spend all day here, I have to put schoolwork, tae-kwon-do, etc. ahead of AU. I've had a busy few weeks.
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Correct! This was taken during Galesburg Railroad Days, which explains all the people milling about on the other platform. (They weren't boarding – the CZ doesn't receive passengers here)
And sorry Shanghai. As much as I wish I could (and trust me, I could) spend all day here, I have to put schoolwork, tae-kwon-do, etc. ahead of AU. I've had a busy few weeks.
Johnny, good to see your post. You have your priorities in proper sequence!!

How did you know the photo had Superliner equipment?

Post your picture when you have time.
I have ridden the CZ from Galesburg so could someone explain why it says the CZ doesnt receive passengers here. I know Galesburg had another depot once used by the Santa Fe or the Burlington......
Just looked at the current CZ timetable and it showed a stop at Galsburg. The CZ does not stop at Mendata.
I see. I did not know that. I have boarded and deboarded at GBB. But did not know you couldn't board eastbound.

I figured that it would be between Galesburg and Chicago, from your signature line. The fact that it had Superliner equipment told me it was Mendota, Princeton, or Galesburg, and I knew that it wasn't Naperville because it looks too small-towny. I knew it wasn't Princeton or Mendota due to the platform orientation, all of which I remember from 2006 :)

And sorry Shanghai. As much as I wish I could (and trust me, I could) spend all day here, I have to put schoolwork, tae-kwon-do, etc. ahead of AU. I've had a busy few weeks.
Arrgh, cell phone modem keeps quitting on me.

Good job of reasoning. We just passed there yesterday afternoon on SWC.
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I see. I did not know that. I have boarded and deboarded at GBB. But did not know you couldn't board eastbound.
I think they stopped letting passengers board on east bound CZ several years ago because of the lateness of the Zephyers due to track construction,etc. Passengers would miss their conections in Chicago. CZ seems to better as of late. Maybe picking ups will happen again.

What happend to Johnny, again??

He must be a late sleeper!!
Johnny did not sleep-in today. He was busy being a part of the unofficial "southern California AU micro-gathering" held today at the mission at San Juan Capistrano. Micro-gathering consisted of "the Scientist," "GoldenGrrl," and Johnny. Should mention that Shanghai's name came up, recent station photos were shared, and consideration of an East Coast mini-gathering in NJ in April was also included.

Travel modes for the unofficial southern California micro-gathering" included north and south-bound Surfliners, SWC, and CL.

Next: on to Tehachapi Loop!
Thanks for the update, Golden Grrl. It would be fun to have an East Coast Mini-Gathering in April.

There are several AU'ers in the NY-NJ metro area. I'll be happy to help arrange.

Hope the San Juan Capistrano Mini-Gathering was fun.

Are Golden Grrl & Scientist from California?

Who is to post the next Amtrak Station picture??
I have one now Shanghai!!!

Had a great day at the "micro-gathering"
with scientist and golden grrl in San Juan Capistrano today. Just barely missed Davy Crockett as well. Anyways, here it is!

My link

sorry I didn't realize that the station name is in the URL... try not to read it, but it should be easy anyway
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Thanks for the update, Golden Grrl. It would be fun to have an East Coast Mini-Gathering in April.

There are several AU'ers in the NY-NJ metro area. I'll be happy to help arrange.

Hope the San Juan Capistrano Mini-Gathering was fun.

Are Golden Grrl & Scientist from California?

Who is to post the next Amtrak Station picture??
Shanghai, golden gRRl and the scientist live in Arlington, VA right now, but are on a loop trip that includes Tehachapi. They used to live in GOLDEN, colorado, and I met them on the zephyr last april on their way home. We mentioned New Jersey in April because I will be on the east coast then and you indicated a desire to meet me.
I have one now Shanghai!!!

Had a great day at the "micro-gathering"
with scientist and golden grrl in San Juan Capistrano today. Just barely missed Davy Crockett as well. Anyways, here it is!

My link

sorry I didn't realize that the station name is in the URL... try not to read it, but it should be easy anyway
Old Town Station.It helps that name of the station is right up there too lol.But I honestly do recognize that station even without the name, since I used that station like a regular commuter during summer.
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at work right now, so I only have one station picture

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