You liked my reply so you must have realized my tongue was firmly planted in my cheek The two platform arrangement would be a good idea in a location with plenty of room and enough passengers to justify it.Well nobody would have to keep track of it, the exiting passengers would exit from one side, and after they had exited the conductor would open the doors on the opposite side to allow the passengers already on the platform the chance to board.
It wasn’t an overly realistic suggestion... just a “yes and” blue sky idea.
Again.. how much time does constant tension catenary save? Everything costs money!
I think constant tension allows much higher speed without arcing which is why they do it, but my only "personal" knowledge is my great grandfather who was a broom man* for a small city trolley about 120 years ago.
[*] I think that's what his job was called, but I couldn't find an online reference. He rode at the back of the streetcar, collected fares and reconnected the trolley pole ("broom") to the wire whenever needed, which was often.