New Dining Cars

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Aug 6, 2003
I recall reading an article recently stating that Amtrak is planning on replacing its Heritage Diners at some point in the near future becuase they aren't as reliable as they used to be. Most were built in the 1950's correct? Even with good upkeep it would seem like they should be retired gracefully as soon as possible.

Would their eventual replacements be Viewliner Diners, or could they somehow transform some Amfleet or Horizon equipment into Dining Cars?


Well Gunn isn't dumb enough to do conversions, flat out. You may see a Viewliner Diner, if and only if (iff for you math guys), they improve the design. The orginal prototype (8400) was very cramped, and hard to work in. If the design can be better you may see a Viewliner Diner. Otherwise you could very well see streamlined cars (very similar to the current ones) for the new Diner design, with all being in Temoinsa styling. Now as far as the dorms go you will likely see a Viewliner design, with a Conductors office where two of the Deluxe rooms are, replace Room B with two additional standard rooms, and a shower where the attendants room is now.
I think that it is generally expected that the Heritage diners would be replaced by viewliners. the time , the design and the manufacturer are anybodies guess as of now i think.
really? so the cardinals entire consist in february is only about 5 cars? (im taking the cardinal in one week)
4. 3 coaches, and a lounge, I hear no mention of a baggage car for the Cardinal. Unless I missed it my speed reading. :lol:
so i guess i can cancel out any thought of getting two seats to myself (makes it nice on a long ride like that). oh well, it should be interesting....
shanghaiamtrak said:
so i guess i can cancel out any thought of getting two seats to myself (makes it nice on a long ride like that). oh well, it should be interesting....
Well of course it all depends on ridership...but your odds are def.lower then they would be otherwise.
shanghaiamtrak said:
anybody know when they will put superliners on the cardinal again?
Currently there is no schedule to ever put them back on, due to the shortage. But who knows what might happen down the road.
battalion51 said:
4. 3 coaches, and a lounge, I hear no mention of a baggage car for the Cardinal. Unless I missed it my speed reading. :lol:
The Cardinal hasn't had a baggage car in a while, Baggage has been stored in the Lounge of the Dorm Lounge, which has made for longer loading times.
The dorm is off the Cardinal too, and a regular baggage car has been added. It may get yanked at any moment though as bag cars are in short supply like most other single-level equipment.
railman said:
The dorm is off the Cardinal too, and a regular baggage car has been added. It may get yanked at any moment though as bag cars are in short supply like most other single-level equipment.
So does this mean the on-board service crew members (Coach and Lounge Attendant) will switch mid way en-route? I thought by union contract if they worked throughout an entire overnight trip that a Crew Dorm had to be provided?
That's a good point Amfleet. They most likely have set up a temporary arrangement somewhere in the route, much like Three Rivers Crews change at Pittsburgh and Palmetto crews at Savannah.
battalion51 said:
That's a good point Amfleet. They most likely have set up a temporary arrangement somewhere in the route, much like Three Rivers Crews change at Pittsburgh and Palmetto crews at Savannah.
Looking at the timetable, it seems Charleston, WV would be a plausible crew change point. However, it is made difficult with the thrice weekly schedule because crews would be laying over for almost a day and a half before the next train would arrive. Whether it be eastbound or westbound. With the Three Rivers, the OBS crew will get off at Pittsburgh, stay overnight or layover in the day and take the next train back in either Chicago or New York.
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