So what do you think made you sick?I'm on the southwest chief now and find the food abysmal after getting sick yet again from the dinner last night.
Fortunately we were 45 minutes early into Albuquerque so I ate in a restaurant there and skipped lunch and I'm skipping dinner.
I'm in a bedroom and really wish they'd decouple the prices for the meals. I'd happily opt out of them.
This is my fifth long distance trip this year and there's not enough variety nor is the quality very good. It's all cheap ingredients from what I can see.
Food poisoning seems unlikely in this scenario. With only 3-4 options per meal, a whole bunch of people would have been sickened if there was something wrong with the food.So what do you think made you sick?
Don't eat the fish!Food poisoning seems unlikely in this scenario. With only 3-4 options per meal, a whole bunch of people would have been sickened if there was something wrong with the food.So what do you think made you sick?
Have the lasagna.Don't eat the fish!Food poisoning seems unlikely in this scenario. With only 3-4 options per meal, a whole bunch of people would have been sickened if there was something wrong with the food.So what do you think made you sick?
That's why I seems more like a potential food allergy or intolerance than anything systemic. While I won't dispute the overall decline of onboard dining, I've always found it interesting that personally I have fewer incidents of gastrointestinal distress while on the train than I do in day-to-day life. I always pack Tums, Pepto-Bismol, and Zantac or Pepcid as part of my travel survival kit, but I've rarely had to use them when on the train.Food poisoning seems unlikely in this scenario. With only 3-4 options per meal, a whole bunch of people would have been sickened if there was something wrong with the food.So what do you think made you sick?
It would be very nice for folks such as yourself if Amtrak would disclose their ingredients. Those with food allergies shouldn't have to guess whether they will be able to eat the food. As for me I live in a town of 2800. The restaurant choices as you might expect are few and far between. I don't mind AmChow though it is to me overpriced for what you get.Yeah, I live in Los Angeles (lots of great restaurants) and usually eat in non chain restaurant fine dining and buy organic for home groceries so even when it doesn't make me sick, I find Amtrak food not very good.
I wish they'd disclose all ingredients though. The food facts web site is half Assed at best as it doesn't contain all known allergies and is dishonest.
I was thinking about that myself. Most consumers don't realize how pre-prepared most restaurant meals are. There are some national chains which prepare most everything fresh, but most is prepackaged and basically assembled on site. And if you're talking foodservice for the masses (like, ahem, colleges) that's even more true.I find the dining car food no worse than many of the restaurants I've eaten at, and far better than the "rubber chicken" I usually wind up being served at conference banquets and the like. (And it's better than college dining hall food). Maybe some of y'all have really outstanding restaurants and are spoiled but I really don't.
Sometimes ya just gotta have a JUMBO baked potato! Pounds of whipped butter, 5 pounds of sour cream and a whole bunch of chives! Not to mention the steak!I understand the Enchiladas are provided by Amy's, and you can purchase those at Walmart or other groceries. I have some in the Freezer right now.
Bring back the Titanic Baked Potatoes! On one trip, the Steak showed up with a Baker that filled over half the plate. The kitchen elevator strained to get that bad boy to the serving deck and other pax and the server gasped in amazement. 30 minutes later, I turned back a plate cleaner than a whistle. The stunned server asked where did that monster potato go, and I calmly explained where all good potatoes, hide and all, go!
Actually, I believe that medical science has caught up with Woody Allen ("Sleeper"), and it is now thought that, aside from the excess calories, saturated fat is not as bad for coronary heath as they thought a few decades ago.It's a heart attack on a plate! But sure tastes good!
Its baked, not fried. Its got to be good for you. That's why I always order the baked potato at Wendy's.Sometimes ya just gotta have a JUMBO baked potato! Pounds of whipped butter, 5 pounds of sour cream and a whole bunch of chives!