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how is new orleons parking verses atlanta parking
Short term parking is free in Atlanta. That only works for dropoff and pickup of passengers. The Masonic Lodge across the side street allows parking during the train time for Amtrak users. They used to allow overnight also. You checked in with the guard, gave him your plate number and car info and how long you would be gone. Now they need the space for their own use so don't park there overnight.

The best parking choices are to park at an underground lot at a building a block north of the station ($9 per day) or have someone drop you off. We have used both - mostly getting dropped of by Atlanta-based son but once having to park as he and the family took the train with us.

If you arrange to have someone pick up your car (but not overnight), you might also consider parking at the stores across Peachtree Street since the Masonic Lodge might have an issue with you parking there all day as Amtrak parking is only around 8AM and 8PM for a short time.
To park at Atlanta, I'd actually recommend the Dundoody (Perimeter) MARTA station. Long-term parking is $5/day in a covered, attended (usual liability limitations apply) garage, and you just jump on the MARTA train down to Arts Center Station, then the 110 bus northbound to the Amtrak station.

As to the New Yorker stereotype, having recently spent a few days there, I can say with certainty, that that is NOT true at all! The people we've met have been some of the nicest, most helpful and friendly people we've met in all our travels, not that people in other regions weren't nice and friendly and all, but the "rude New Yorker" stereotype certainly did not apply.
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