Newbie looking for some answers

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Hi, I are going to be first-time train riders later this summer and have a few questions to ask, I am a retired club manager (of a Country Club for 16 years that was destroyed by fire, then a Yacht Club for 10 years that was washed away during Hurricane Katrina). The only think that II haven't been hit by is an earthquake! I am originally from Texas but transplanted to the Mississippi Gulf Coast (the beautiful Gulf Coast with 26 miles of sandy beach and sunshine most of the time).

We will be taking the Crescent from Mississippi to Charlottesville, VA and will be taking a roomette. Some discussions have mentioned an up-grade. What is that? I understand we will have an attendant in the roomette-is he the only one we tip there? I know our meals are included and we would tip the wait person as if we were in a regular restaurant. Are these the only people we should tip?

I think I saw a post that said you receive a welcome package in the roomettes. What is it - do they give it to you, or do you have to purchase it? What does it include? Do we need to bring our own blankets in the roomette?

On arrival in Charlottesville, VA will there be taxi's available there? Or will someone with Amtrak help us get one?

I know I will probably have other questions, but have found the discussion forum very helpful. Thank you
You will tip the attendant in the sleeping car - the one that takes care of you in the roomette. Other than that, the only other people you tip would be the dining car staff and the lounge car attendant if you buy something in the lounge car.

The only upgrade there is from a roomette is to a bedroom, which is somewhat larger and has an in-room toilet/shower partitioned off from the rest of the room.

There is currently no "welcome kit" of sorts for sleeping car customers, but you will get soap (no shampoo/conditioner/etc.) and linens (towels, pillows, blankets, sheets, etc.) This is included in the cost of the sleeper.

I'm not sure what options there are in Charlottesville, I'll leave that for another poster here.
Thanks for the prompt answer. I am really excited about our trip and will be able to mark this off my 'bucket list"
Hi and welcome,

I think you will enjoy traveling on the Crescent as long as your expectations are realistic. Personally, it's my favorite way to travel. Jebr gave you good info. IIRC, there will be one blanket for each bunk, in addition to the sheets and pillow. The a/c can vary, but we were never too cool. The attendant will put the seats into sleeping configuration and back again in the morning, usually while you are at breakfast. Service from the car attendant can also vary, with some coming to check on you fairly often, and others coming less frequently. Bottled water is provided. If you anticipate needing extra help, please let the attendant know as soon as you can. The door to your compartment can be locked from the inside, but not from the outside.

Expect to be seated with two other people in the dining car, unless the car is unusually empty. Many people tip based on menu prices if service is good, but others do the $2/$3/$4 tipping for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Amtrak employees are paid much better than regular wait staff, but they have much longer hours on duty. We tended to tip roughly based on menu prices. You are likely aware that the cost of your meals in the dining car are included with your sleeper tickets, alcohol excluded. Coach passengers can eat in the dining car, but must pay menu prices. We always found the food very acceptable. It's been almost three years since I've taken the Crescent, but I doubt things have changed too much.

You may have already done this, but if not, it would be very helpful to go to and look at the layout of the Viewliner (single level) cars. The roomette's small size may be a disappointing surprise otherwise. It is small but doable for two people. The two seats face each other with minimum room between, and there is a tiny table that can fold down between the seats. There is a small covered toilet beside one seat in the room. Each compartment has a large window, with a smaller window above for the top bunk as well. It is customary to tip the room attendant for acceptable service.

A bedroom would be an upgrade, with a compact separate bathroom/shower area and a sofa. Surprisingly, on the Crescent south of Atlanta, bedrooms are sometimes available at prices similar to or occasionally a little less than a roomette. (Or they were the last time I checked, which has been several months ago.) If you don't already have your tickets, check to compare prices. There are only a few bedrooms in each car, and a bedroom and the narrow corridor fit in the width of the car. TWO roomettes and the corridor fit in the same width. So, the bedrooms have significantly more room. Should you wind up being assigned the H (handicapped unit), don't despair! It's the best unit on the train (on the Viewliners such as the Crescent, that is.)

Amtrak is subject to delays for various reasons, although the Crescent doesn't seem as plagued as much as some western routes. Try to keep a spirit of adventure and just enjoy the ride!

I don't know much about Charlottesville, sorry. Maybe others will post about that.

Do let us know how your trip goes. I'm a little jealous.... :)
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Thanks, Crescent 2. I took the virtual tour so am aware of the small size. We are under no time constraints so delays will just be part of the adventure
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