"Less for More" or "doing more with less" or "the new normal" (which is NEVER an improvement because if it were they'd call it an improvement) is the theme of our times in EVERYTHING, I think.
I take the TE the end of this week for meetings I have to go to, and I will be sad if there are "limited" dinner choices. There are some foods I cannot eat because of food intolerances....
(Question: if there is a v. limited dining car menu and nothing a person wants to eat, if you go to the lounge car, you still have to pay if you're a sleeping car passenger, right? You can't go to the lounge and say "There's nothing good in the dining car, can I get a yogurt?" and have them hand it to you without charging? I was once on a train that had a bad-ordered dining car and sleeping car passengers were told to get what we wanted (for breakfast) from the lounge and it was comped, but that's different from "The only thing they have in the diner is the crab cakes which are made with things I can't eat")