Oakland has some neat stuff (in the Day Time
!) to see! Berkeley has the U of C Campus, lots of Nice Buildings and Beautiful Young Co-eds! The Lake Downtown (Lake Merritt sp?)is nice! Jack London Square(the Station is there and there are Clubs/Resturants, etc., mostly for Tourists, the Ferry to San Francisco is also there, as is Jack Londons Old Cabin!) It also has Street Running for the Trains through the Square ! You can also ride Cal Trains to Sacramento (Cal Rail Museum), Davis (nice little College Town) and down the Peninsula to San Jose! BART runs to San Francisco from here as well as from Emeryville! (North Oakland basically!)
As to your Hotel, I havent stayed there but the Hotels in the Airport Area are OK per Friends and family that live in the Bay Area, Id say only stay by Javk London Square (next to the water)or Emeryville if not by the Airprot, Downtown is sort of dseserted @ Night even though some nice Hotels are there!
As to the Danger Level, its on a Par with South Central LA,Chicago, WAS DC., Philly and Detroit but Only, as been said, in Certain Parts and Mostly @ Night! Oakland is basically Broke and Laid off Police Officers when it has one of the highest Crime/Murder/Drug Rates in the Nation! Did I mention about Walking around @ Night??? Stick to the Main Lighted Areas, along the Bay and Jack London Square and use Public Transportation and you'll be OK!
And youre not misssing much by not going to Oakland Coliseum, it's a Dump!!!! :excl: :excl: :excl: