Open season On Pedestrians

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I've written before on these blogs about the hazards of amtrak. I'm glad to see that a few of the enlightened ones are finally coming to grips with what is a national epidemic. There should be a congressional investigation into these engineers with drug testing, alcohol bans, psychological exams. Why are they behind the wheel? If a plane ran someone over it would be international news, yet the daily massacre of innocent civilians by bullet trains zooming through congested areas is accepted as "the cost of doing business." Who will be held responsible? Ask yourself: What would you do? Then you'll have your answer.
You can't possibly be blaming the engineers for idiot trespassers putting themselves on the tracks.

Also, there already is drug testing and alcohol bans.

If a plane ran over someone it would be international news because runways are heavily secured facilities with miles and miles of fences and intrusion detection systems and security forces constantly remaining vigilant to keep people out.

Railroad tracks have none of that, and it's wildly impractical to suggest that they should.
I am afraid trainaddict is directing his attention completely in the wrong direction and is hence coming up with what can be charitably called a "Garbage in Garbage out" analysis, and hence should not really be taken seriously on this issue by anyone.
I am afraid trainaddict is directing his attention completely in the wrong direction and is hence coming up with what can be charitably called a "Garbage in Garbage out" analysis, and hence should not really be taken seriously on this issue by anyone.
Especially since s/he is posting to a blog, which AU is not.
I've written before on these blogs about the hazards of amtrak. I'm glad to see that a few of the enlightened ones are finally coming to grips with what is a national epidemic. There should be a congressional investigation into these engineers with drug testing, alcohol bans, psychological exams. Why are they behind the wheel? If a plane ran someone over it would be international news, yet the daily massacre of innocent civilians by bullet trains zooming through congested areas is accepted as "the cost of doing business." Who will be held responsible? Ask yourself: What would you do? Then you'll have your answer.
You can't possibly be blaming the engineers for idiot trespassers putting themselves on the tracks.
I thought it was satire but sadly it might not be.
I've written before on these blogs about the hazards of amtrak. I'm glad to see that a few of the enlightened ones are finally coming to grips with what is a national epidemic. There should be a congressional investigation into these engineers with drug testing, alcohol bans, psychological exams. Why are they behind the wheel? If a plane ran someone over it would be international news, yet the daily massacre of innocent civilians by bullet trains zooming through congested areas is accepted as "the cost of doing business." Who will be held responsible? Ask yourself: What would you do? Then you'll have your answer.
My nature is to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I often take utterly ridiculous posts as having been intended as tongue in cheek. I usually ignore them. This one, however, doesn't quite have that ring to it. I suspect I may be feeding a troll, but hey, they need food, too, right? Good deed for the day? :huh:
Why are they behind the wheel?
It's got to be satire -- surely trainaddict knows that trains don't have steering wheels!
Remember. trainaddict thinks this is a blog, not a forum, even after all the eduction we gave him/her. I wouldn't be surprised if s/he was serious considering his/her prior posts.
I've written before on these blogs about the hazards of amtrak. I'm glad to see that a few of the enlightened ones are finally coming to grips with what is a national epidemic. There should be a congressional investigation into these engineers with drug testing, alcohol bans, psychological exams. Why are they behind the wheel? If a plane ran someone over it would be international news, yet the daily massacre of innocent civilians by bullet trains zooming through congested areas is accepted as "the cost of doing business." Who will be held responsible? Ask yourself: What would you do? Then you'll have your answer.
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