ain't no Metroliner
Train Attendant
Thanks.The whole train has never had wifi. It was only available (and barely at that) from the PPC.
Thanks.The whole train has never had wifi. It was only available (and barely at that) from the PPC.
They even unplug the modem in the PPC at night, and put it away in a cupboard. It continues to operate until the battery runs down, then it goes off. So if you get up in the morning before the attendant does, there won't be any wi-fi.Thanks.The whole train has never had wifi. It was only available (and barely at that) from the PPC.
Called Amtrak this AM, and the agent I spoke with told me (after putting me on hold twice) that they (the folks at the Amtrak call center, at least) didn't know when the PPCs would be taken out of service, or when they'd come back.Anyone know when in the spring they'll return?
The National Timetable says they'll be gone from mid-Jan to mid-March IIRC.Called Amtrak this AM, and the agent I spoke with told me (after putting me on hold twice) that they (the folks at the Amtrak call center, at least) didn't know when the PPCs would be taken out of service, or when they'd come back.Anyone know when in the spring they'll return?
Thanks! I'm looking at the old paper timetable here, which of course doesn't have that info.The National Timetable says they'll be gone from mid-Jan to mid-March IIRC.Called Amtrak this AM, and the agent I spoke with told me (after putting me on hold twice) that they (the folks at the Amtrak call center, at least) didn't know when the PPCs would be taken out of service, or when they'd come back.Anyone know when in the spring they'll return?
It's in the National Timetable that is currently in effect. Page 89. Since it went into effect back on April 6, 2015, I have assumed that the "mid-January though mid-March unavailability" is referring to 2016.i couldn't see where it said the ppc would be gone from mid january to mid march. at least not in the cs timetable in the national schedule which takes effect next month. i remember last year that they seemed to be taken off just to save money during the low ridership months as many folks reported the cars were just stored. do we know for sure about the fra mandated reglazing or is that just a rumor?
I just rode the CS leaving LAX on 12/16, we had a PPC, and the lower level was most definitely NOT closed. They had a seasonal Disney movie playing. I went down there to check it out, but did not stay for the movie.The lower level is currently closed because it does not have the FRA compliant glass.
I guess this just shows the inconsistency in Amtrak, even on the same route. On Dec 6, the lower level was closed and the glass was given as the reason. Maybe some of the five parlour cars have been retrofitted with the compliant glass. Maybe one crew just did not want to bother opening the downstairs. Maybe one crew opened the lower level, when they were not supposed to. Perhaps, there was some other reason - or not. The lower level really does not matter to me, I just hope they bring back the back the cars after the shutdown.I just rode the CS leaving LAX on 12/16, we had a PPC, and the lower level was most definitely NOT closed. They had a seasonal Disney movie playing. I went down there to check it out, but did not stay for the movie.The lower level is currently closed because it does not have the FRA compliant glass.
I'll be on the CS in a couple of weeks and I got the email, too. Bummer. Can't say I'm surprised.I just received the following email from Amtrak:
Important Amtrak Alert (Reservation number xxxxxx)
We are contacting you today to inform you that starting January 6 through March 1, 2016, the Pacific Parlour car will be removed from the Coast Starlight trains for maintenance. During this period, the Dining car and Sightseer Lounge car will continue to be available for passengers.