Passenger train service to Phoenix AZ.

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A lot of these planners and media types ignorance of geography gives me screaming fits: "It's unclear if the reroute would replace Maricopa or merely add Phoenix." LOOK AT A MAP, PLEASE. It is either/or. Geography does not permit both.
The Espee had a line that would allow service to both, but it would have to be rebuilt, and that’s probably not practical. However, connecting Maricopa by feeder busses is very doable.
One proposal that might be a win - win for everyone.
1. UP would completely clean all the ballast that is still in large amounts under the present tracks.
1a. UP update any culverts and bridges to increase capacity 2 - 4 times present design for possible large rain events.
2. Run a Sperry truck to determine if rail quality OK.
3. Set aside any good rail for at least 3 sidings long enough to handle any possible diversion from the Maricopa route. Any remaining good rail set aside for main track straightaways.
4. Get new 136 / 141 # rail to make up the difference in required rail. Or maybe reused rail from a main line replacement?
5. UP install signaling for class 4 operation.
6. Amtrak pay for sidings and CPs + signaling for the sidings;
7. Since route is at present out of service UP can use a track laying machine (TLM) to re do the whole route.
8. Add additional ballast and surface to class 5 specs.
9. Start operation probably at class 4 operations including rerouted Amtrak daily sunset.
Great comment! I hope you can join us in Tucson in November at the Rail Nation Conference, November 1-3. This work will be front and center. Registration is on the RPA and All Aboard AZ websites.
I was curious when passenger service ended to Maricopa by SP. Looks like 1957. The Argonaut (New Orleans-Los Angeles) followed the line through Maricopa rather than Phoenix. It discontinued service west of El Paso in 1957 and was dropped completely in 1958.

The old station building is now in Scottsdale McCormick-Stillman RR Park.

The Espee had a line that would allow service to both, but it would have to be rebuilt, and that’s probably not practical. However, connecting Maricopa by feeder busses is very doable.
It's the industrial spur that goes south from Tempe. Its original ROW is under AZ 347. Even if it were rebuilt it would still take a long backup move to serve downtown Phoenix.
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Yes, I agree with Todd. Come to RPA's Fall Rail Nation in Tucson, AZ, hosted by All Aboard Arizona. I have registered and I'm looking forward to all the presentations, tours and social activities! It's so exciting to see the participation from the local level and tribal leaders up to RPA, Amtrak, and the FRA. Getting Amtrak Passenger Trains back to Phoenix is long over due.
Yes, I agree with Todd. Come to RPA's Fall Rail Nation in Tucson, AZ, hosted by All Aboard Arizona. I have registered and I'm looking forward to all the presentations, tours and social activities! It's so exciting to see the participation from the local level and tribal leaders up to RPA, Amtrak, and the FRA. Getting Amtrak Passenger Trains back to Phoenix is long over due.
I will be there, arriving by Texas Eagle from Chicago departing by Sunset Limited to Houston.

Yes, Amtrak will have Stephen Gardner there and the FRA Administrator Amit Bose will be there. Amit is a Bengali like me so we usually have a side conversation in Bengali when we meet.
Thinking about it, if you were going to build a new connection back to the main line, it would be better on the west side of town, along the Gila River to Gila Bend. This would mean a much shorter leg to need maintenance compared to the existing ROW but a brand new ROW is incredibly unlikely.

I have wondered why the Phoenix west line was constructed as a long parallel to the main line. Maybe to serve the farms along the Gila? Just to get slightly faster service to Phoenix?