If interested, here's a short youtube video of the train, it's just a phone video, quality isn't good, but gives you a look at the consist.
I see that dragged the two ex-LIRR C1s out there from their normal home at Saratoga and North Creek.If interested, here's a short youtube video of the train, it's just a phone video, quality isn't good, but gives you a look at the consist.
I think it is interesting to note that once there was a train called the Meteor which had nothing to do with the Silver Meteor. And, for that matter this Meteor was also :silver: that is,stainless steel, similar equipment.Tulsa to Sapulpa to Oklahoma City was part of the Frisco's main line, route of the Meteor, overnight between st. Louis and Oklahoma City. It was never fast. Scheduled for about two and one-half hours, and that with signals and a speed limti that was most likely 70 mph. It is fairly curvey. So, if you want to get down to much less, you are talking realignments, not just track upgrades. As noted, Sapulpa to Oklahoma City is not a short line. Tulsa to Sapulpa remains in BNSF ownership as part of their route to Dallas / Ft. Worth. Saying all the above to say that if there is a desire to start up regular Tulsa to Oklahoma City passenger service, it won't be cheap.
A privately operated passenger rail line between the Tulsa and Oklahoma City metros will begin in the spring, and OKC city officials have expressed a desire to see the train reach downtown.
The current route map will see the Eastern Flyer terminate at 10th Street and Sooner Road, with buses transporting passengers to a location in downtown....
City Manager Jim Couch said a meeting will be held with the owners of the new rail line to discuss options for bringing the line into downtown.
Passenger rail service between Tulsa and Oklahoma City has been an elusive goal for some time, but it’s about to become a reality.
The state transportation department sold the 97.5 mile Sooner Sub line to the Watco Companies last year. Watco said then it would work with Iowa Pacific to offer passenger service on the freight line, and the company has come forward with an idea for six months of trial service.
Representatives from Iowa Pacific shared their plan with Tulsa city councilors Thursday, and if they were hoping for someone enthusiastic to design the trial service between Tulsa and Oklahoma City, they got their wish.
No. That would be the STB which took over residual functions of the ICC. FRA is responsible for regulating all railroads that are not "subways" or LRT, roughly speaking.Isn't the fra supposed to stay out of intrastate stuff?
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