Green Maned Lion
The cars are basically Pullman-Standard/Bombardier Comet cars, specifically Bombardier Comet IIs. They were designed for the track, weather, and other general conditions on the Erie Lackawanna Railroad. They were never intended to be anything but commuter cars.Good article. I said the very same thing here a few weeks ago and was roundly dished by many who think that railroads just always give up in cold weather. I think this article points out many of the issues that should be addressed.. As I mentioned earlier, its like no one at Amtrak can remember what happened last winter and its all a big surprise when it gets cold again.. Hey, insulate the water lines or do something. Design the cars right in the first place, that could have been a big help instead of now being always caught off guard. You sympathizers for every thing that goes wrong can shoot some emails to the newspaper reporter this time.
The Comet IIs have automatic sliding doors, for instance. Those doors have lower sections which cover up the exterior stairs while the train is in motion. Whereas the manual doors on the Horizons prevent that- and thus the stairs are exposed to the elements. The Horizon IS a Comet II- you can see a fascinatingly Horizon like car on the North Jersey Coast line, because it is equipped with Amtrak style seats for use by a private commuter club. The differences between a Comet III with bathroom and a Horizon are:
The end doors on the Horizon are Automatic and button operated- the end doors on the Comet are manual.
The Vestibule doors on the Horizon are manual with dutch-style upper sections- the doors on the Comet are automatic and one piece.
The Horizon has two bathroom modules, one on each side of the car- the Comet has one.
The Horizon uses Amtrak Amfleet I type 2-2 seating- the Comet uses 2-3 seating with manual reversing.
The Horizon uses GSC trucks- the Comet uses commuter trucks, very similar to those on the Amfleets.
Other than that, they are the same basic car. The Horizons were a piggy back order on the Comet IIs. No designing was done. They didn't spend hundreds of millions on R&D and design and such. They paid about a million bucks a car. Amtrak got itself 99 cars for less money than it paid to get 50 Viewliners. Keep that in mind. They were an emergancy, we need more short distance coaches, purchase.