Because you're getting on in Pittsburgh, the origin of the train, you should probably be able to snag an Amfleet 2 coach seat. These are physically about the same as the 2x2 business class car that's in the consist. The main possible advantages of business class is that it's usually not quite as crowded as the coaches get, which might increase your chances of not having a seatmate. Also, as mentioned, the smaller crowd might mean that the restrooms stay in better condition during the trip. Oh, yes, and you get more AGR points and TQP due to the higher fare and the 25% business class bonus. And the free non-alcoholic beverages. Also, there are also one or more Amfleet 1 coaches in the consist, so if the Amfleet 2s are filled up, the business class is definitely superior to the Amfleet 1 coaches (more legroom and curtains over the windows.
The last time I rode this train was from Philadelphia, and I rode coach. I was lucky and had a seat to myself, but then, we only got as far as Harrisburg, because Norfolk Southern decided to derail a freight train on the Horseshoe Curve, so the rest of the trip was a bustitution.