I just don't get the obsession about having your pets travel with you. I have two cats. I take them with me when I travel the two hours to my dad's house if I'm going to gone longer than overnight. My brother kitty sits when I go on vacation. Would I like to take my cats with me on vacation? Yes. Do I think it's fair to them to keep them cooped up in the cat carrier for more than a couple of hours? NO!!! Do I think it's fair to subject other passengers to their constant yowling (and believe me there WILL be yowling!!)? NO!!! I realize cats and dogs are different but the principle is the same. It's not in the best interests of either the animals or he passengers to have them on board. And there was yet another story in the news the other day about a dog dying in the cargo hold of an airplane - methinks that the airlines are going to be rethinking their animal policy in the near future.
People need to get over their obsession with pets: Dogs, cats, fish, birds, hamsters, iguanas, etc., etc. (btw, I've had all of the previous, and still have a dog, the the 7th or 8th in my lifetime) I
get the attachment that can happen, the
bond. (One of my Dalmatian's had cancer, and I jumped thru all kinds of hoops to find a cure, even experimental medicine at U of W at Madison) But pets have a place, and that is in the owners home, yard, or cage/aquarium. Period. Full stop.
True service animals, IMHO,
should be required to wear some evidence of their legality, otherwise, in today's environment far too many ignorant people will try to "game" the system, and then cry bloody foul when challenged.
Do I "luv" by dog? Sure, but I love it like a dog. Do I travel with it? Sure it goes with me on car rides or camping. (But I don't love it enough to seat-belt it in when riding in the car......) Would I think of taking it on Amtrak, MegaBus, or Braniff Airlines? Not on your life.
Please keep pets off public transportation, unless a registered service animal. There are too many reasons to do so, than can be posted here.
I do have a question for other posters. Would would you (should you?) do if you suspect that someone has gamed the system, and snuck a non-service animal onboard, under the guise that it
was a service animal? (you know this because you heard them telling someone on the phone, "It worked, it worked, I snuck Fido on board, I told them it was for my anxiety.........hahahahaha..."