Picking up sleeper 2nd leg of trip

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Service Attendant
AU Supporting Member
Sep 20, 2010
Old timers probably know this well...but I was pleased to find out how much I saved picking up our roomettes in the evening instead of from the get go. We are leaving Chicago on the Texas Eagle to LAX at 1:45pm and arriving in St. Louis at 6:30p or so. Instead of paying $417 from Chicago, our roomettes cost $272. Bedrooms drop from $1025 to $702 by simply taking coach for about 5 hrs until we arrive in St. Louis.

And we won't miss an included meal with the roomettes--assuming we can eat dinner when we arrive in St. Louis. Also, we will be able to use the First Class lounge in Chicago, I understand, since we have sleeper accomodations that same day.

Great deal all around.
I assume that you first buy a coach ticket from point A to point B and then buy the sleeper fare to your final destination. If you get off the train at the coach ticket station and just reboard in the sleeper car then I guess that its OK with Amtrak. The other alternative is the way that we do it. We will drive for the first 5 or 6 hours, then park for free (or at rates 1/4 of what they cost here) and save a bunch on the sleeper fare and parking. When we get back we sometimes spend the last few days of our vacation in the area that we departed from. While our home state is NJ we prefer to drive West or South to save some money. We do occasionally miss a meal but its no big deal.
Where do you drive to for parking and boarding?

I live about 30 minutes north of you and I usually

take a NJT train to NYP to connect with Amtrak.
Actually I just checked, and we arrive in St. Louis around 7:30 pm. Still time for dinner, I'm hoping, as long as we are on time. This raises 2 questions for me:

1. Can we just walk through the train to the sleeper car and ask to be admitted when we arrive in St. Louis, or will be have to disembark and get in line for the sleepers ?

2. Can we make a timed dinner reservation while still in coach for say, 8 pm, so we are all set for dining just after making the transfer to the sleeper car?

Amtrak does make it easy for us in that it offers the Chi-StL and St.L-LAX option along with the Chi-LAX when you do the initial booking. Rail fare is the same either way. You do have to scroll down a bit to find that option, however. We're totally fine sitting in coach for 51/2 hours during the afternoon, but will look forward to our roomettes-- we called Amtrak after reserving on-line to get them across from each other--thanks to another poster's suggestion.
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We had accumulated a number of points and decided to take the longest two zone trip we could find. The problem is, from where we live it would be a three zone so we purchased tickets in coach from HUN to CIN and then used AGR points to get bedrooms all the way from CIN to CHI, CHI to LAX, LAX to SEA, SEA to SAC, SAC to CHI, and CHI to CIN, then again paid for a coach ticket from CIN to HUN. We didn't have any problem at all, but then again we were fortunate in one regard, the Cardinal had not been running due to a bridge being wiped out by CSX, and people didn't realize it was back up. So our SCA came to coach and said our room was running vacant all the way to CIN and he didn't have anyone to worry about there. So to get some extra sleep he asked us if we would do *him* the favor and take our room when we first boarded. Don't count on that though, it was a freak thing. :eek:

I would suspect that in your case you may need to get off and get in line for the sleepers as you'll be arriving at dinner time. To get from coach to sleeper you need to go through the dining car, which means passing by all the dining car attendents who are busy working and such. We didn't get to board till 11 pm, and the dining car was deserted, AND we were already underway.

The Zephyr, notorious for being late, was late again when we came into CHI. Amtrak was fabulous and put us up for two nights (our connecting train only ran three days a week) in a *very* nice hotel, gave us money for food and taxi. While we lost our bedroom from CHI to CIN we were able to get a roomette, which was sufficient for just my husband and myself, AND it was on the viewliner so we had the toilet in the room! :p

As far as food the dining car attendent starts in the sleepers and takes reservations, and then goes to coach and collects reservations there. It's difficult to know how early (or late) your train will be. The SWC and Coast Starlight tend to have much better ontime performance and oftentimes arrive early! The Zephyr tends to run 6-12 hours late right now. As you get closer to the station your conductor or SCA should be able to give you an idea as to when you'll arrive.

BTW, do you know about this site? http://www.amtrakdel...ngsoftware.com/ It's where you can check on any Amtrak train's on time performance over the last 4 weeks. You'll want to check StL and train 22, IIRC.
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Thanks for the information! It would be great if we could get into our roomettes early, but I highly doubt that will be offered to us. We'll enjoy the time in the observation car. Also, didn't think about the dining car being between coach and the sleeper car. I agree and think we will need to disembark in StL and then get on again, as you say.
Thanks for the information! It would be great if we could get into our roomettes early, but I highly doubt that will be offered to us. We'll enjoy the time in the observation car. Also, didn't think about the dining car being between coach and the sleeper car. I agree and think we will need to disembark in StL and then get on again, as you say.
The one thing I will always say is watch the on time performance. While it's not a guarantee about how *your* train will come in, it does give you an idea as to whether you might want to pack any additional foods. If your train comes in much after 9 pm, I would be prepared to either grab a bite in the cafe car (NOT included in your room), or have a few nibblies along. One thing Amtrak is a professional at doing is *stuffing* you. After more than 3 meals on the train you'll feel like they think you're a Thanksgiving turkey. :lol: We actually skipped a couple breakfasts on our trip.

Oh and if it's offered on any train you're on I HIGHLY recommend the *lemon berry cake*! I've got to find a way to make it a regular on the Cardinal and/or Crescent as it is to die for. :giggle:
Where do you drive to for parking and boarding?

I live about 30 minutes north of you and I usually

take a NJT train to NYP to connect with Amtrak.
I guess that we are different than most in that our first objective is to get safe, affordable parking and a sleeper fare at a decent price. Towards this end we have boarded the CL at Pittsburg (going to CHI) and left our car in the huge parking facility across the street. Another time we boarded in Harpers Ferry but thats a 98 car MARC lot so its hit and miss there. When heading to NOL we parked and boarded the CST at Culpeper VA. The parking was free but limited. Its safe to say that we will board where we can get the best fare and parking deals. We try to keep the first leg of our journey by car to 5 hours but we have gone a bit more and a bit less. The only time that we board in NJ is on day trips on the NE corridor ( Regionals and Acela) and usually park at Metropark. The parking lot is huge but it can be rough to find a space at times. A route that we must also drive for is the Autotrain.

We don't mind driving and boarding the train along the route as it gives us an opportunity to spend another day or so in the area to sightsee. For instance when we came back to Culpeper from NOL in June we headed to WV where we got in 14 miles of Kayaking on the New River.

We have yet to ride the LSL, CDL and Silvers. The CDL is on the list for the future. The LSL is getting just too expensive for us but we might consider boarding it in upstate NY. The Silvers aren't too appealing to us as we can take our car with us on the Autotrain to Fla.. Next year will be our 5th trip on the A/T. One day we would also like to try the Western routes like the EB but you need lots of time which we do not have right now.
Thanks for the information! It would be great if we could get into our roomettes early, but I highly doubt that will be offered to us. We'll enjoy the time in the observation car. Also, didn't think about the dining car being between coach and the sleeper car. I agree and think we will need to disembark in StL and then get on again, as you say.
Note: Since you're ticketed into a sleeper as of St. Louis on the same day as the train leaves Chicago, that entitles you to use the Metropolitan Lounge in Chicago. You'll have to show both the coach & sleeper tickets to gain entry, but this is a much nicer place to wait for the train than the regular waiting lounge. They may make you return to the regular lounge to board the coaches or they may let you out the back door, but either way enjoy the use of the lounge. You can even store you bags in the lounge for free should you wish to wander around Chicago a bit before departure and for that matter, buy lunch.

And yes, it's far easier to just walk down the platform at St. Louis, than it is to walk through the train cars. Also note that your sleeping car attendant should obtain a dinner reservation for you. Can't guarantee that, but they are supposed to do that.
Even assuming the Texas Eagle is on time, we don't depart St. Louis until about 8 pm. I was thinking that if I made an 8 or 8:30 pm reservation at around 6 pm while still riding in coach, I'd be more likely to get a dining reservation for that later time than if I waited for the SCA to obtain late dining reservations for the newly boarding STL sleeping car passengers. I'm thinking there's a good possibility there won't be time for these new sleeping car passengers to even eat in the dining car.

Could it be that the 8p-9p dining reservations are generally held so the SCA's can offer them first to the on-coming sleeping car passengers, so Chicago coach passengers can't even reserve during that hour? Just thinking through the possibilities.

Also, we love the Chicago Metropolitan Lounge. So glad we can use it. I am thinking they recently remodeled it--is that correct? We were in it last about a year ago.
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We are leaving Chicago on the Texas Eagle ... arriving in St. Louis at 6:30p or so.

Instead of paying $417 from Chicago, our roomettes cost $272. Bedrooms drop from $1025 to $702 by simply taking coach for about 5 hrs until we arrive in St. Louis.
arrival STL is (scheduled) 7:21P, not 6:30-or-so.

To buffer a late train, and circumstances where you miss dinner, maybe try a ticket from ALTON
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What a great idea, daveyb99! I typed in all the numbers and the rail fare and sleeping accomodations and surprised to find out they are identical to my planned itinerary.

Oh, goodness....even less expensive out of Carlinville, IL--which arrives at 5:49! Thanks for the suggestion to check out other cities before STL!
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What a great idea, daveyb99! I typed in all the numbers and the rail fare and sleeping accomodations and surprised to find out they are identical to my planned itinerary.

Oh, goodness....even less expensive out of Carlinville, IL--which arrives at 5:49! Thanks for the suggestion to check out other cities before STL!
Just one thing to consider: IF Track Work is underway on the CHI-STL route, there may be bustitutions with the Eagle running out in the boonies through the Cornfields! Be certain before you book #321 or Lincoln Trains that you can actually get to STL without being on a bus or riding the #21/#421 Eagle!!! Good idea if things are Normal! :cool:
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Ewww...don't want to take a bus! We are currently scheduled on 321 from CHI to STL and 421 from STL to LAX,--picking up the sleeper in StL. We will be going the end of January. Is track work typically done in the winter?

The alternate (and even a bit cheaper) route is CHI to Carlinville on 321 and Carlinville to LAX on 421. We'd pick up the sleeper in Carlinville. Don't know why the trains change numbers in Carlinville, but they do.

Do you think it's safe to switch our trip to the 2nd alternative? No bus, please ;)
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Ewww...don't want to take a bus! We are currently scheduled on 321 from CHI to STL and 421 from STL to LAX,--picking up the sleeper in StL. We will be going the end of January. Is track work typically done in the winter?
I don't know about track work, but depending upon the specific year Mother Nature can be pretty cruel to the mid-west in that Jan/Feb period. Snow does slow down trains. My husband was on the EB last March and were already running late when they encountered some flurries (just made the grass a little white) that made them late for their connection with the Cardinal (which had been being held for them). When they reached CHI they were bused from there to IND where they were able to catch the Card home to HUN. Talking about extremes of weather though, as they neared IND in the bus they saw a semi over on it's side in the median strip, a little further on they saw the same, then again... I looked up the county and found out sure enough just a few hours before they went through on the bus a tornado had gone through. :eek:hboy:
Ewww...don't want to take a bus! We are currently scheduled on 321 from CHI to STL and 421 from STL to LAX,--picking up the sleeper in StL. We will be going the end of January. Is track work typically done in the winter?

The alternate (and even a bit cheaper) route is CHI to Carlinville on 321 and Carlinville to LAX on 421. We'd pick up the sleeper in Carlinville. Don't know why the trains change numbers in Carlinville, but they do.

Do you think it's safe to switch our trip to the 2nd alternative? No bus, please ;)
The reason the Eagle has THREE numbers is: #21 is the CHI-SAS Eagle/#421 is the CHI-LAX thru Sleeper/Coach Cars/#321 is the CHI-STL Coach only, this Coach is the last one on the Train and is cut out in STL (usually/I have seen it stay on until SAS!)Carinville is an Unstaffed Station, with no checked baggage, so if you are checking baggage youll have to do it in CHI (youll need both tickets), you will want to talk with the SCA in your Sleeping Car and the Conductor (hell pull your ticket in the Metro Lounge) before you leave CHI to see if you can occupy your Room BEFORE you get to Carinville, otherwise youd have to schelp your stuff from the end to the front of the Train @ the brief stop in Carinville!

At the least Id think they will let you store your luggage in the Sleeper, at the best occupy your room before Carinville (doubt that someone would book a roomette from CHI-Carinville but stranger things have happened???)since you wont be eating dinner till after you are in your Sleeper! Snow really shouldnt be a problem between CHI and STL but they might hold the Eagle in CHI for late arriving Eastern and Corridor trains!
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We decided to take the southern Texas Eagle instead of the northern Empire Builder because it was in the winter. Hoping to feel some warm, Texas sunshine! We are hoping for acceptable weather, but surprised that even a dusting of snow could impact travel--a tornado, yes! Good to know the train may be delayed out of Chicago to wait for other trains. Actually we are from MI and will be taking the Pere Marquette first, arriving in Chi at 10:33 am. I am considering taking the MI train into CHI a day early, just in case--because MI has very unpredictable weather--especially around Lake MI--in Jan/Feb. Will decide this in Jan.

I am thinking I will leave my reservation as it is, for now, and perhaps modify it closer in to our trip. We will not have any checked baggage, but do feel a little more comfortable making the switch from coach to sleeper car at a longer stop (STL) nonetheless, unless people here say there's enough time to easily make the switch in Carlinville.
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You must be very strong to pick up your Sleeping Car!
I have enough trouble picking up my luggage!

Snow really shouldnt be a problem between CHI and STL but they might hold the Eagle in CHI for late arriving Western trains!
I really doubt that because the TE departs well before any western trains arrive!
You must be very strong to pick up your Sleeping Car!
I have enough trouble picking up my luggage!

Snow really shouldnt be a problem between CHI and STL but they might hold the Eagle in CHI for late arriving Western trains!
I really doubt that because the TE departs well before any western trains arrive!
Correction: I should have said Eastern Trains (ie Card/LSL/Cap)plus the CONO (a run through with the Eagle) and the Corridor Trains into CHI! (Hiawatha/Illinois/Michigan trains). -_-
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So now I'm thinking that if the Texas Eagle DOES leave late during the winter months, we should make the switch to a sleeper in Carlinville (around 5:45) if we want to eat dinner in the dining car at a reasonable hour. If we take very little luggage (like duffle bags) with us, do you think we could switch and walk through the dining car from coach to the sleeper in Carlinville? Would the dining car attendants allow that? Then we could drop off our duffle bags in our sleepers and come back and eat in th dining car. :)
So now I'm thinking that if the Texas Eagle DOES leave late during the winter months, we should make the switch to a sleeper in Carlinville (around 5:45) if we want to eat dinner in the dining car at a reasonable hour. If we take very little luggage (like duffle bags) with us, do you think we could switch and walk through the dining car from coach to the sleeper in Carlinville? Would the dining car attendants allow that? Then we could drop off our duffle bags in our sleepers and come back and eat in th dining car. :)
As I said please talk with the Conductor in the Metro Lounge in CHI when he pulls your ticket, also visit with the SCA as you go out to the Train (even tho you're in Coach in CHI you can use the Metro Lounge since you're in Sleeper today), Id think they WILL let you occupy your room before Carinville and I wouldnt worry needlessly about the TE being late, could happen, but usually doesn't! Book from Carinville, they wont leave you in the station cause youll be on the manifest and the Conductor and SCA will know youre on the Train! Don't worry, be Happy! :) :) :)
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Yay! Thanks for the reassurance! Maybe they'll let us make the switch in Springfield--guessing that's a longer stop! Good idea--we will talk to the SCA in CHI and see what he suggests. Fretting about the minutest details of our Amtrak trip is actually lots of FUN for me! :)
Even assuming the Texas Eagle is on time, we don't depart St. Louis until about 8 pm. I was thinking that if I made an 8 or 8:30 pm reservation at around 6 pm while still riding in coach, I'd be more likely to get a dining reservation for that later time than if I waited for the SCA to obtain late dining reservations for the newly boarding STL sleeping car passengers. I'm thinking there's a good possibility there won't be time for these new sleeping car passengers to even eat in the dining car.

Could it be that the 8p-9p dining reservations are generally held so the SCA's can offer them first to the on-coming sleeping car passengers, so Chicago coach passengers can't even reserve during that hour? Just thinking through the possibilities.
While I note that you've already moved on to another idea, please let me explain how the above is supposed to work.

When the dining car LSA comes around to the sleepers to obtain dinner reservations for those already in occupying their sleepers, the sleeping car attendant is supposed to secure dinner reservations at that time for people boarding downline. The SCA is supposed to secure reservations that obviously match up with the times that the passengers would be boarding; in other words obtaining a 6 PM reservation for someone boarding in St. Louis as that would of course make no sense.

So what all that means is that you could have actually found out that the 8PM hour was sold out by the time the LSA got to you in coach simply because the sleeping car attendants combined with a few other people in coach had grabbed all the openings at that time.
As I said please talk with the Conductor in the Metro Lounge in CHI when he pulls your ticket, also visit with the SCA as you go out to the Train (even tho you're in Coach in CHI you can use the Metro Lounge since you're in Sleeper today), Id think they WILL let you occupy your room before Carinville and I wouldnt worry needlessly about the TE being late, could happen, but usually doesn't! Book from Carinville, they wont leave you in the station cause youll be on the manifest and the Conductor and SCA will know youre on the Train! Don't worry, be Happy! :) :) :)
Jim, not all conductors actually come to the lounge to lift the tickets prior to boarding. And at least in my experience fewer and fewer are doing so; perhaps in part because of the policy noted in that manual that says "tickets cannot be lifted prior to boarding."
Yay! Thanks for the reassurance! Maybe they'll let us make the switch in Springfield--guessing that's a longer stop! Good idea--we will talk to the SCA in CHI and see what he suggests. Fretting about the minutest details of our Amtrak trip is actually lots of FUN for me! :)
Now let me poor some cold water on this idea, sorry! :(

While I think that it is somewhat unlikely that they would do track work at that time, if they did decide to do something you would have a real problem if you book anything other than St. Louis or of course simply occupy the sleeper right out of Chicago. The reason that you'd have a problem is that the Eagle takes a different route than normal to reach STL. So you'd be on a bus to the city that you booked and then have no way to get from that city to the Eagle. You'd have to find some transportation to STL in order to board your sleeper that you were supposed to have occupied earlier.

And not to scare you, as I do agree that it is rather unlikely that there will be a reroute in January, but I must point out that they did have a reroute last year in December. So cold weather doesn't totally stop the work.
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