Points Question

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I just signed up for Guest Rewards.

I would like to use the points to pay for a upcoming leg of a trip from Washington DC to Kissimee FL.

I am wondering can My initial $500 for the 12,000 points be from when I purchase my initial train ticket?

What I mean is I plan on spending the 494.00 for the fare to Kissimee. then spend like $10 more to go over the $500 needed to get the $12,000 points. then I plan on redeemingt he points for the return trip to be paid in full.

Would that be possible with a roomette?

I don't see why that wouldn't work, as long as there is enough time for you to buy the ticket, have the points post at the end of your billing cycle and then use the points. When is your trip?

A 1 zone roomette is 15,000 points, so you'll have to come up with the extra points somehow. You'll get nearly 1,000 of them for the $494 Amtrak purchase, and you can buy the remaining 2,000 (or spend an extra $2,000 on the card).
Is the 12,000 points for a new AGR Master Card? Not clear. You could also "buy" points to put you over the 15,000 needed for a roomette - either just the amount you need or, the maximum of 10,000 (the latest 30% promo has ended). Purchased points "appear" instantly.
Once you have the AGR MC you will get a 5% Point Rebate on Amtrak trips, so if you book a 15,000 Point 1 Zone Roomette Award you will receive a 500 point rebate into your account After booking, Net= 14,500 points.

You will also receive 500 Points for taking your initial Paid trip within 90 days of joining if your AGR# is on the Rez, plus 100 Points minimum even if the Paid ticket is a $5 "quickie" ride, plus 2x the Points from Chase for Paid Travel and money spent in the Cafe or Diner on Amtrak trains.