Problem with having two credit cards?

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Service Attendant
Dec 30, 2011
At the recommendation of several posts here, we opened a second chase card account so we could get AGR points for me when we travel and take advantage of the bonus offered. Then I could use my points to travel and husband could use his. But there is a problem,

First off, Is this allowed? Is isn't illegal is it?

I have been on the phone all morning because we never got the email with the welcome to AGR and a link to the place online see what points we have. ISo tried to login under the new AGR # and it either did not work or eventually went to the page where our original card has points posted.

We have 2 sets of cards from CHASE - AGR. One for 2011 and one form last month.

The 2011 card has MY name on MY card and the AGR number posted underneath.

The new 2013 card has Husbands name on HIS card and HIS new AGR number underneath.

Now the problem is that the Page where our original card's AGR points is posted has HUSBAND"S name on it. NOT ME. I never thought anything about it. SO there are 2 cards and 2 AGR numbers with his name on it. Is that even possible to have 2 AGR numbers?

Talking to chase. The cards are in different names. According to AGR the AGR # 's are both in Husband's name and not sure where the new cards points went or if they ever went anywhere. We have not a bill yet for the new card.

Planning to travel in Oct, we decided last week, we should use the new card to make sure we satisfy the spend so much in the 3 months to get the bonus. We have, according to Chase, about $300 on there. But in trying to resolve the problems of our not being able to login under the new AGR number (which they changed several times this morning and I then registered again online and changed again....and then they changed them back :blink: .) They decided to deactivate the new chase AGR numbers and leave me with one that is NOT printed on the card. And they will reissue the first credit card to Husband as the primary user with AGR number we have been using all along.

So we have our original card and AGR# with a good number of points. And it will have the correct name to match the AGR points page.

I now have my own agr number - I have not even tried to see if I have an AGR page online-and it is not connected with any credit card. But I can enter the number when I travel ad get points for that.

The woman at AGR, who was really very nice and kind and took a LOT of time with a supervisor to figure it out says "I" can sign up for a new Chase card and make sure I tell them that I have an AGR number.

So we lost the points I guess. I feel really bad about this and if anyone can follow what has happened -Do you think there was no way around it? I feel like I lost out and it was my fault though not sure what I did.
I'm not a Chase or Amtrak Employee and don't know alot about duplicate Credit cars although I do have three Chase Cards including the AGR Master Card that I use as much as possible for Everything so as to maximize my Points! I suggest, if not already a Member, you go to Flyer Talk/AGR Forum, join (its free, then you can Post) and write a PM to AGR insider who is very Good about helping out AGR Members that have problems! I dont think you will lose your points, they should be able to fix this snafu but perhaps other members have ideas that will help also!
Thanks Engineer. I went there and reposted what I wrote here. Someone says he is an AGR INSIDER and will look into it If I PM him my personal info. Do you think it is ok?
Thanks Engineer. I went there and reposted what I wrote here. Someone says he is an AGR INSIDER and will look into it If I PM him my personal info. Do you think it is ok?
AGR Insider is at the top of the chain at Amtrak's headquarters - it is perfectly safe.
The 2 credit cards, is one solely in husband's name and account number, and yours solely in your name with a DIFFERENT account numbe? Each of course with your respective AGR numbers.

The point being, you should each have your own separate credit card accounts (NOT a second card on one account.), each with its own AGR. Points earned by one person may be transfered to the other (for a fee) so one has sufficient points for a trip.
At the recommendation of several posts here, we opened a second chase card account so we could get AGR points for me when we travel and take advantage of the bonus offered. Then I could use my points to travel and husband could use his. But there is a problem,
First off, Is this allowed? Is isn't illegal is it?
You and your husband are separate people with separate credit card accounts. That's totally allowed and completely legal. Depending on where you are, it may even be legally protected.

Your only problem is a mix up between AGR (not credit card) numbers and names. You appear to have originally opened an account in your name with your husband's AGR number. That shouldn't have been allowed. Based on what you've said, it sounds like the fix at the Chase level is to connect your husband's new card with his existing AGR number. If Chase will allow both your and your husband's card point at the same account, that's actually a good deal. Again, it shouldn't be allowed.

You'll have to follow up with AGR to merge the new AGR account in your husband's name with the exist account so that you don't lose any points.
Hi, I have gotten incredible results with my problem. it seems the credit card had ME as the principle user and so had the AGR number on MY card. But the AGR number and page was listed under my husbands name with MY (female) profile. Very confusing. We got it all resolved with all points found and accounted for and the Card and AGR number reissued to my Husband. Everyone at Chase and Amtrak could NOT have been more helpful and the man that Jimhudson sent me too was most helpful too by putting in a good word for me and making sure it was done sooner than later. This is a great site. and that one too! Thank you all for your suggestions.
Hi, I have gotten incredible results with my problem. it seems the credit card had ME as the principle user and so had the AGR number on MY card. But the AGR number and page was listed under my husbands name with MY (female) profile. Very confusing. We got it all resolved with all points found and accounted for and the Card and AGR number reissued to my Husband. Everyone at Chase and Amtrak could NOT have been more helpful and the man that Jimhudson sent me too was most helpful too by putting in a good word for me and making sure it was done sooner than later. This is a great site. and that one too! Thank you all for your suggestions
:hi: :)
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