Rail Passes ( Florida )

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Rail Freak

Apr 5, 2008
Tampa Bay, Florida
If I purchase a rail pass, is it like flying stand - by ( seat, if available )?

Would I have to go to the station and keep my fingers crossed each time?

... , is it like flying stand - by ( seat, if available )?
Apparently, unlike flying, a seat isn't actually required. You can stand. :D

From Amtrak's website, " As with all unreserved travel, the pass holder is entitled to ride on the train but is not guaranteed a seat.
... , is it like flying stand - by ( seat, if available )?
Apparently, unlike flying, a seat isn't actually required. You can stand. :D

From Amtrak's website, " As with all unreserved travel, the pass holder is entitled to ride on the train but is not guaranteed a seat.

So for me, it would be like finger crossing! Can't stand very long & can't walk very far.

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We've had no problem getting a seat with that railpass, over several years of having them. And there is always the lounge car - those seats are not sold. One suggestion - just before you head to the station for that day, use the reservation system and try to book 5 or 6 seats from your origination station to your intended destination station. Don't actually book them but take the reservation system far enough that it verifies that there are that many still available. If it doesn't tell you there are enough seats available, then you know you are probably ok. If it tells you (even down to the number of seats you need) that it's sold out, then you either decide to travel another day, or expect to sit in the lounge for awhile. Or maybe they will have a no-show and you will get a seat anyway.
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