Blame the congressmen who micromanaged Amtrak's food service budget several years ago.
how VERY true. Think of the $$MILLIONS$$ AMTRAK was forced to waste because one congressman thought he knew best. (remember all the 'meals and sleeper highly subsidized' blather)
Consider too the cost of corporate attorneys required to attend at $220. per hour the many appropriation's meetings. Money promised during one congressional term is redirected into pet projects in the next term, forcing Amtrak to fight for the money promised and not authorized. Its a madhouse, if you want something to work, keep the government
out, or expect rules, paperwork, more rule changes, and more paper pushing doing nothing, getting nothing, but making government bigger.
Fast trains, high speed trains, the only allotments for such things in thirty years was in the backyard to Washington,D.C.
Chicago-Detroit, I read write ups about high speed trains on those track since the 1960's and to this day the track speed is less than what it was in the 1940's when steam engines rules the rails.
High speed, what is needed is more trains, have them
ALL operate at a minimum top speed limit of 79 mph
FULL ROUTE as offering short bursts of speed does next to nothing for decreasing elapsed time from one end of the route to the other.
The Grand Trunk and Western Railroad operating in 1967 had high speed trains called "The Mohawks," operating east/west nightly seven days a week and doing so a 80/90 mph. now that was railroading!
Wood ties do fine for speeds below 100mph, and present everyday type passenger coaches with well maintained wheels and trucks can handle those speeds, sad though, but such speed limits allowed are few, and far between. Let those interested in high speed railroading put the money required up front, the Brits and French did not spend billions only to put a tunnel under the English channel and then limit the operation of their railroad by not purchasing enough equipment to make it run and do it efficiently and at a higher profit margin!
Ever ask why the companies operating the TVG trains fails to consider doing something similar over here?