THis is a rediculous and useless thread. Get caught cooking on any kind of grill or microwave in an Amtrak Bedroom or roomette and you will find your self 1. Under arrest and/or 2. ejected and put off at the next station. People have been thrown off the train before. One incident that I was told about existed on the AutoTrain. It was college break time and the train was loaded with college kids coming North. Needless to say drinking took place and things got out of hand. Two people were escorted off the train and handed over to police at an unschedule stop. If you follow the rules the Porters and conductor will treat you nicely but if you go too far to create a dangerous and unlawful situation you WILL be ejected from the train. You can put all the humor that you want in this thread but carry these plans out and see where it gets you.
Whats "rediculous"?
I assume you mean ridiculous.
For a ridiculous and useless thread I guess 2100+ views is pretty good.
I would love to see the numbers for a non-ridiculous and useful thread.
Who said anything about drinking and not following rules.....and creating a dangerous and unlawful situation???
I have my ticket and list of rules & regs.... nothing is mentioned about cooking and/or bringing microwaves onboard ( which by the way draws less watts than a hair dryer).
I WILL bring my microwave and I'm gonna make popcorn for my whole car.
I'll take some pics of them enjoying it along with the car attendants and post it online.
"Carry out these plans and see where it gets you"-thats a great quote, you act like I am trying to rule the world with my evil microwave train takeover plan.
Maybe they will hand me over to police when I am ejected.... then when my cell mates ask what I am locked up for, I can say, "making popcorn"
P.S. They don't like to be called "porters"