roomette rese

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Does anyone know if it is possible to reserve a particular roomette? We liked staying in ones close to the diner, but not so much the roomette next to the bathroom.
You may be able to select the car and room number if you call reservations.

You cannot choose the car and room if you book online.
Does anyone know if it is possible to reserve a particular roomette? We liked staying in ones close to the diner, but not so much the roomette next to the bathroom.
If you could be a little more specific.. What train are you talking about? Inquiring minds want to know. If your talking about the SS,SM,LSL,Crescent, or Cardinal then your out of luck as your bathroom is in the room. If your talking about anything else then yes you can ask for a certain room. But word of advice. You never know what order the cars are going to be in. i.e. Bedrooms closer to diner or roomettes closer to the diner. You just don't know until your on the train.
I have been able to more or less select a room by calling reservations, however, sometimes, the room you select might bump you up to the next bucket. :eek:
we are taking a trip later in October, and I reserved two roomettes on the TE # 422 at low bucket, when I asked the agent if we could get rooms across from one another, she tried to say it could be done but I would have to pay more because"that" roomette cost more. I said nonsense.and asked to speak with a supervisor.She came back in a few minutes and said ok I was able to do it for you with no change in price. I thanked her very much and praised her for yes you can request a certain room or two, and sometimes get them. And sometimes not have to pay extra!
We just did this last week. We made 2 roomette reservations on-line and got roomette 2 and roomette 5. I thought I would just go ahead and reserve on-line and see what we would get--just in case they were across from each other. Since they weren't, I called Amtrak and spoke to an agent and she easily and nicely switched us to roomette 5 and 6 without a change in fare. Roomette 2 is nearest the bathroom, so it was changed for us. But actually, I don't mind roomette 2--very convenient for middle-of-the-night bathroom visits.
If you get an agent that tells you it will cost more to get a specific room, then you are dealing with an agent who either doesn't know how to do things properly or is too lazy to follow the correct procedure. Hang up and call back or get a Supervisor on the line.
I have been able to more or less select a room by calling reservations, however, sometimes, the room you select might bump you up to the next bucket. :eek:
Which is a failure of the AMTRAK system (as discussed at length in the past).

Airlines DO NOT charge different fares for seats, and neither should AMTRAK for rooms.

But ... until they fix it, we get stuck.
Airlines DO NOT charge different fares for seats...
Sure they do -- even aside from the difference between first class, business class, and coach, many airlines add a surcharge for coach seats that are more desirable (a few inches more legroom, or even just closer to the front of the plane).
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I have been able to more or less select a room by calling reservations, however, sometimes, the room you select might bump you up to the next bucket. :eek:
Which is a failure of the AMTRAK system (as discussed at length in the past).

Airlines DO NOT charge different fares for seats, and neither should AMTRAK for rooms.

But ... until they fix it, we get stuck.
Actually, some airlines DO charge extra for window, aisle, exit row, bulkhead, etc. But, what airlines do really doesn't have any relevance to Amtrak policies.

There is nothing wrong with Amtrak's reservation system. If an agent knows how to ask for a specific room, they can grab it for the prevailing fare. However, many just keep booking rooms until the one the system selects for them is the room you asked for without releasing the other rooms. This, of course, could definitely bump the fare up, but the agent should not be handling your request this way. Always ask for a supervisor rather than hanging up and calling back (this is what I have done in the past and the supervisor instructs the agent on how to handle my request). Hanging up and calling back for a different agent doesn't correct the first agents ignorance.
Does anyone know if it is possible to reserve a particular roomette? We liked staying in ones close to the diner, but not so much the roomette next to the bathroom.
If you call to book by phone rather than online, you can request specific rooms, if available. However, this only gets you the distance you want from the bathroom. The cars can be arranged in either direction when the train is set up: either with roomettes closest to the diner or bedrooms closest to the diner.
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