Salt Lake City station

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Caravanman, I never thought of that - just having the room as far as Denver, will check it out tomorrow. Thanks.
NYP - Baggage check-in is done not at the counter but at a location to the left of the ticket counters, near track 8.
Tracks 7 & 8 are where the Club Acela is located. The baggage area is behind the gate/stairway for tracks 1 through 4.
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I will be arriving into SLC from the CZ AT 11.05pm. Are there usually cabs/taxis outside or would I need to book one in advance?

Also I have read that quite often the train is late, is that accurate?

Last time we arrived an hour late. No cabs and even on the phone if u could reach them they coulndn't assure us. A dozen people trying to get cabs. We finally walked to downtown hotel, which was spooky--lots of homeless.
It seems that the easy option would be to ensure your hotel will collect you from the station, or to ask THEM to pre book a taxi, even if you will have to pay the fare. Most hotels have daily dealings with taxi firms for staff or guests needs.

Plan "B"...

You could detrain at Provo, a few hours before SLC, making for an earlier arrival into town, even if the train is running a bit late. There are several hotels, and they may be cheaper than SLC, and possibly less taxi hassle.

The connection from SLC to LVS is a Greyhound bus... You can get a Greyhound bus also from Provo about 9am, arriving LVS mid afternoon... You would need to book this seperatly, of course. I have not checked where the Greyhound stop in Provo is...

I quite like the idea of Provo, seems a little bit different, but then I do like a mini adventure each time I travel!

Ed :cool:
Be advised that Provo is an unstaffed station. It is just a platform with a shelter and no other facilities. It is just a few blocks from the main business district.
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