Sanford Auto Train Station

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OBS Chief
Sep 19, 2008
South Central PA
Just curious if anyone who has traveled to or from Sanford on the Auto Train could give a comment on the status of the construction of the new station?

Completion is scheduled for 2011. Last time I was there in Dec 2009 construction was underway and tents were being used as temporary buildings.
I was there in March of this year, and took a pic, but I have seen no updates since then........


I'm going again next March, so "remind me", and I'll take some more pix.
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I'm taking the AT this Thursday 10/14 from Lor to Sfa, I will take pictures, if I have time I will make an update about the station when I'm down there if not I will be returning via the AT on Fri 10/22 amd will update this thread then.
I'm taking the AT this Thursday 10/14 from Lor to Sfa, I will take pictures, if I have time I will make an update about the station when I'm down there if not I will be returning via the AT on Fri 10/22 amd will update this thread then.
Thanks! I'll look forward to your update.
I would go there, but I don't have a ride cause the car broke down and even if I did I don't have a camera either. :( I live 20 miles away from the Auto Train station in Sanford by the way.
I was there in late August, perhaps another 4 or 5 months? I'm thinking I saw a shell of a building going up? I did not look closely.
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