How does the recently passed budget impact Amtrak's funding?
We will find out. The NEC Gateway project does not need the big bucks in the next few years, just enough for Amtrak to continue with the NEPA and PE process. For the Acela IIs, Amtrak may have to take out a loan to pay for almost the entire cost of the order. But a bid selection and contract award is not likely until early FY2015 at the earliest I expect. I know you are obsessed with the NEC Gateway project, but the immediate large project funding challenge facing Amtrak at present is getting enough funds lined up to pay for the (north) Portal Bridge replacement.How does this effect the Gateway Program and Amtrak's purchase of additional Acela Trains?
I thought that the NEC Gateway Project should get the "big bucks" in a few years...We will find out. The NEC Gateway project does not need the big bucks in the next few years, just enough for Amtrak to continue with the NEPA and PE process. For the Acela IIs, Amtrak may have to take out a loan to pay for almost the entire cost of the order. But a bid selection and contract award is not likely until early FY2015 at the earliest I expect. I know you are obsessed with the NEC Gateway project, but the immediate large project funding challenge facing Amtrak at present is getting enough funds lined up to pay for the (north) Portal Bridge replacement.How does this effect the Gateway Program and Amtrak's purchase of additional Acela Trains?
Ok, I should written that as the next 2 years which is what this budget agreement covers. Beyond that will have to wait for the 2014 mid-term elections and what effect it has on the makeup of Congress with regards to federal funding.I thought that the NEC Gateway Project should get the "big bucks" in a few years...
1. I have inferred that this Budget Deal would not include real Gateway Construction--but perhaps Gateway Engineering?Ok, I should written that as the next 2 years which is what this budget agreement covers. Beyond that will have to wait for the 2014 mid-term elections and what effect it has on the makeup of Congress with regards to federal funding.I thought that the NEC Gateway Project should get the "big bucks" in a few years...
What do you realistically see happening?1. Budget deal is not that specific. That will get thrashed out in Committee, and don't expect too much money for Gateway if any at all.
2. Schumer might keep his promise about making enough noise about it. As for what will get delivered we will see. It will critically depend on the outcome of a few intervening elections before then.
Anyway, the general tendency at present will be to get just enough allocated to Gateway to keep it going and provide more construction funding to Portal. Portal replacement is way more critical than quick completion of Gateway at present. As has been mentioned before Gateway target dates as stated by the owners of the project is around 2025 and everyone is basically working to that schedule. So it is safe to assume that there will be no big bucks for Gateway in 2015 or 2016. Around 2017 is when Gateway might start seeing an uptick in funding. 2015/2016 might see another $100 million or so for the extension of the box if the Gateway Consortium wants to start building the building along the south west periphery of the Gateway parcel, again to preserve the RoW to NYP.
1. What is the Gateway Consortium?What do you realistically see happening?1. Budget deal is not that specific. That will get thrashed out in Committee, and don't expect too much money for Gateway if any at all.
2. Schumer might keep his promise about making enough noise about it. As for what will get delivered we will see. It will critically depend on the outcome of a few intervening elections before then.
Anyway, the general tendency at present will be to get just enough allocated to Gateway to keep it going and provide more construction funding to Portal. Portal replacement is way more critical than quick completion of Gateway at present. As has been mentioned before Gateway target dates as stated by the owners of the project is around 2025 and everyone is basically working to that schedule. So it is safe to assume that there will be no big bucks for Gateway in 2015 or 2016. Around 2017 is when Gateway might start seeing an uptick in funding. 2015/2016 might see another $100 million or so for the extension of the box if the Gateway Consortium wants to start building the building along the south west periphery of the Gateway parcel, again to preserve the RoW to NYP.
1. I thought you are the one that wrote a long screed on that one in the last couple of days. So perhaps you should answer that for yourself
2. The LIRR Concourse, the Central Corridor, the Amtrak Exit concourse and the West End concourse, together with the Hilton Corridor and the 33rd St corridor are all at the so called Arrival Level, which is one level below the Departure Level. At the Departure level are the Main Amtrak concourse, waiting area and ticket offices, the Rotunda and the NJT East End concourse ticket offices and waiting area and restrooms. The Departure Level in turn is one level below street level.
I would strongly expect that Amtrak would exercise some of the early buy-out options selectively.However the 2008 PRIAA act has expired with its direct transfer of funds from the Treasury to close out leases and a new re-authorization has not passed. Unless there is funding in the appropriations, Amtrak will probably have to skip on exercising the FY2014 early buy-out options on equipment leases to reduce debt service payments and the Warrington era debt load. We will see what happens in January, although the committee staffs will be kept busy through the holidays.
They should try to convince them that New York is more important than any other city in the country, and that besides the 2nd Avenue Subway, the 7 train extension, PATH WTC, and East Side access, that poor New York is in need of even more funding.What will Amtrak have to do to convince Congressional Republicans to provide more money for Gateway/NEC?