Senate Deal

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Some articles have stated that the Gateway Project will cost $15 Billion, and others mention that the actual cost will be $13.5 Billion.

Why is there a large difference in the estimated overall cost of the Gateway Project?
Rounding error? These are rather large numbers.. Anyway, the stated costs are ballpark cost figures.until a design/configuration has been selected and preliminary engineering has been completed. Even then, it will be cost projections and estimates..

The key takeaway from the budget agreement is that there should be some stability in the funding for federal agencies and Amtrak for the next 2 fiscal years. Amtrak may receive a little more than they did in FY13 and the 2 year agreement will allow the managers to plan for the next 2 years.
In Fall 2012, Schumer stated that he would like to see the tunnel box begin construction by the end of 2013--and that happened. He also more recently said that he will lobby for funding in 2015 for the rest of the Gateway Project. Let's hope that we can trust him on his promise!
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