Senator urges Amtrak management, board, to get out and ride

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I think Crescent Zephyr. Mystic River Dragon and Cpotish understand the intent. It would be wise for the members of the Board of Directors to ride the system to see what they are funding and make an informed decision on how to proceed instead of relying on slanted numbers and questionable data. As the senator says, the current funding levels speak volumes. Not only did they not cut funding, they added to it.

This isn't about spying on employees. It is about understanding who the passengers are and attempting to craft a reasonable experience. After all, when someone on your executive staff utters " a great deal of LD travelers are utilizing the trains for vacations and Amtrak shouldn't be in the business of using taxpayers funds to provide vacations," that shows me that you're not really well versed on your product.

Former Amtrak presidents did occasionally travel on trains, but they traveled in Beech Grove - BEHIND the train! Rarely did they “mix” with the paying passengers! That is what they need to do.
I can't think of the last time that occurred. Sure, Mr. Boardman dragged the 10001 around a lot, but he also mingled with the passengers and crews. He was everywhere. I'm hard pressed to think of who you could be referring to with the possible exception of Mr. Downs and Mr. Kummant and I remember Mr. Downs riding LD trains.

As for Mr. Gunn, you couldn't keep him off the trains. He showed up late at night, by himself, usually reading a book and in sandals.
Mr. Boardman does believe in talking to people. Even people on the platforms at stops he would talk to. He even invited me to tour Beech Grove once. I also toured it at behest of the CEO in 2000 (whomever that was) because I was the youngest passenger on the train. And it was my first train ride.
They should go to Chicago and sit with the passengers in the Met and Legacy Lounges, Gives opportunity to talk with passengers going on many trains. I agree walking end to end on a couple trains is important.. With the new changes, Anderson could meet people in the WAS Lounge before riding the CL to Chicago (no special car). He could have meetings with staff in Chicago in the morning, then go to the lounges and waiting areas during the afternoon. Late afternoon have more Chicago meetings then take the LSL back with the change in Albany.
Anderson needs to wait at the station in Syracuse. Or Kansas City. Or Cincinnati. Get the real experience.

Frankly Amtrak's HQ shouldn't be in DC, despite the lobbying ability. It needs to be in Chicago, which is the real nerve center of the system, despite the NEC.
And they will all probably do it but, just on the Acela and most likely in First Class.

Anderson and Moorman did, I believe, manage some of this early on in their tenure. In Anderson's case, from what I can tell this was/is part of the "problem" at the moment: He rode from end to end on the PPC and no small part of the decision to axe the PPC came from the bar in there generating all of about $200 in revenue and the car being thinly patronized (which stands in contrast to what I remember seeing in years past) despite a quite well-patronized train.
When Mr. Anderson sees and amenity, he associates a cost with it. How much is this amenity cost? Is it generating revenue or covering its direct costs? In this case, his presence on the train cost the amenity. The same goes for the private cars. What are the direct costs to OUR riders? Are they generating enough revenue? He said he will not spend one thin dime on the 10001 so why should our passengers pay for a private car?
Amtrak passengers don't pay for private cars other then slight delays. If my sources are correct private cars actually more then cover the fuel costs for their route.
There are a lot of Republican senators from flyover states who have large constituencies that rely on Amtrak for mid-distance traveling. I am not sure how it should be done, but those senators need to be reminded of how much their constituents rely on Amtrak. NARP may already be doing this sort of public relations where the senators get to press the flesh and get their photos taken with voters in their home districts on Amtrak trains, but I haven't seen it. If a politician can get their picture in the local paper they will go so far as to show up and eat greasy half-smoked fish and call it delicious. I speak from experience here in Virginia. I don't recommend shad planking on an Amtrak train, but the meet and greet would be the same.

The news that a congressman, senator or high Amtrak official is on the train will spread quickly. An administrative aide, however, could probably slip by and could have a true experience.

I'm glad that the senator from Mississippi seems to have a positive view on Amtrak, perhaps he could influence some of his fellow Republican senators, although I think the main problem is with the hard-right Republican congressmen.
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That article even though it's quite dated comes close to the number one of my many masters has told me. And using that number and the fact that on another AU board from years back it was determined P42DCs get 2.5 gallons per mile. That means one mile then cost $2.00 a mile. And at the time I last computed under the old PV tariff of $2.9 a mile. That's a 90 cent profit because of PVs.

While I can not release which one of my masters states that the number hasn't changed k have no reason to doubt him because his check doesn't bounce. So take those numbers as you will but we cover the costs for the fuel subsidy when we run.

And I tried for a few hours to dig up the current number from an Amtrak document except the accounting stuff doesn't make sense.
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