sexual assault

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how long should i wait for amtrak to contact me again about the porter who kissed my neck on a train last year i am getting no help from them what do i do
A Porter kissed your neck? What were you doing? Were you fooling around with him or teasing him? Did he do it it out of the blue (so very hard to believe!) or were you leading him on in some way?

Based on my experiences on Amtrak, I find this so very hard to accept.

Please try to convince us, then convince Amtrak.
I am sure that Amtrak has weeded out most of the bad apples, but I know that my girl friend had a bad experience with an employee on 48 about 10 years ago. She was going to visit her father who had lung cancer, so I know she was not sending mixed signals. He kept trying to talk to her, and even though she told him she was not interested, he kept trying to get her attention. I advised her to talk to call customer service, and they gave her credit for future travel which paid for a second trip to NYP.

Now that it has been a year, you might have difficulty getting results. To have a successful complaint, you would need to provide the date and train number where the incident occurred. Additionally, you would hopefully be able to provide the name of the employee, and details of the incident. Where you were on the train, what you were doing, what he was doing, etc. If you were able to provide your reservation number, that would further support your complaint.

Good luck.
how long should i wait for amtrak to contact me again about the porter who kissed my neck on a train last year i am getting no help from them what do i do

is it me.... or is there not a far stretch from "kissed on my neck" to "sexual assault".....

(reeeely--- no pun intended....) :huh:
how long should i wait for amtrak to contact me again about the porter who kissed my neck on a train last year i am getting no help from them what do i do

is it me.... or is there not a far stretch from "kissed on my neck" to "sexual assault".....

(reeeely--- no pun intended....) :huh:
Legally, not really. I have sat through sexual harassment and assault seminars on a number of occasions put on by lawyers and law enforcement and if you don't already know, the line is much closer than you would ever imagine. BTW, the touching or kissing is battery not assault. Assault can be inflicted simply by talking, no touching necessary.
how long should i wait for amtrak to contact me again about the porter who kissed my neck on a train last year i am getting no help from them what do i do
Did you file a written complaint with Amtrak? Did you get an acknowledgment from Amtrak that they received the complaint? If those two things did not happen then it is unlikely that they will agree that they have ever heard of the problem before. However, that does not remove the need for you to have to deal with personal issues resulting from the incident.

This board is not usually frequented by people who are familiar with issues around sexual assault, as might have become quite obvious by now. Your best bet is to contact one of your local crisis counseling centers and work with and through them on this issue. If you don't know of a local one you could try working through this one. Hope that helps and wish you all the best.
Before people go jumping off the deep end here, the OP simply asked us what the next step might be.

They aren't trying to convince us of anything, they aren't trying to get us to agree with them that it is assualt, they simply asked a question about what can they do next. So please, whether one believes that it happened or not, let's not judge. This person isn't asking for our support in their case. They only want to know what else they can do to have their issue heard by Amtrak.
Before people go jumping off the deep end here, the OP simply asked us what the next step might be.
They aren't trying to convince us of anything, they aren't trying to get us to agree with them that it is assualt, they simply asked a question about what can they do next. So please, whether one believes that it happened or not, let's not judge. This person isn't asking for our support in their case. They only want to know what else they can do to have their issue heard by Amtrak.
If that is REALLY the case, OP will return.
Legally, not really. I have sat through sexual harassment and assault seminars on a number of occasions put on by lawyers and law enforcement and if you don't already know, the line is much closer than you would ever imagine. BTW, the touching or kissing is battery not assault. Assault can be inflicted simply by talking, no touching necessary.
I have been thru all those seminars too, but I have also had lots of life experience too.

If one just made the wining touch down in football, and one of your fellow teammates pats you on the butt, is that sexual assault or sexual battery?

If a woman chats with a SA, makes friends, confides that they are on their way to get married that afternoon, and hopes the train isn't late. Upon departing, the SA gives the bridge-to-be a kiss. Is that sexual assault or sexual battery?

Not every touch is sexual. Sometimes we are simply making a "connection" with another human being to show our support or approval.
Legally, not really.
Actually, it is FAR from a sexual assault. And only some states make legal distinction between "battery" and "assault".

Under Texas law, it would be an "assault by contact". Of course, give circumstances, which we do not have.

My recommendation:

1/ try to file a report with the local police department or AMTRAK police

2/ write a letter directly to Boardman, delivered Certified Signature required.

... and exactly what "help" do you want.
Amber, if you have been contacting Amtrak & getting nowhere, you may be should call Amtrak's Human Resources Department. You did not mention what Department you have been working with, or how you contacted them. I would certainly keep calling & speaking to managers/supervisors until I got an answer. I would also send a real letter. (their email response is very slow) As many as necessary, & make copies for yourself to track progress.

As far as 'support', can you explain what you mean? Are you asking for counseling? Or Disciplinary action? Both?

Any employee anywhere has no business behaving that way when it is not asked for.
At our work, we're required every year to go through a short course on identifying and eliminating sexual harrassment. While a kiss on the neck may or may not be assault according to law, if the action is unwanted, it's certainly harrassment which should also be reported.
how long should i wait for amtrak to contact me again about the porter who kissed my neck on a train last year i am getting no help from them what do i do

is it me.... or is there not a far stretch from "kissed on my neck" to "sexual assault".....

(reeeely--- no pun intended....) :huh:
Well that is a disgusting response. Any kiss that is unwanted would be at the very least sexual harrassment and completely inappropriate. I challenge you to spend one day as a woman in our oversexed society before making comments like that.
Amamba, you have to bear in mind that you are on a train fan forum.. most of these guys just don't get out enough.. The idea of them dressing up as women even for just one day is so funny.

Seriously though, if a member of the public is kissed by an employee of Amtrak, unwanted, that will undermine their confidence to travel by train at the least.

Ringman, would you feel so cool if an old male employee with body odour and bad teeth came up to you and kissed your neck?

Amber should forward her complaint in writting to Amtrak, giving as much detail as possible, and asking for a conclusion and feedback.

Ed :cool:
Caravanman, I know I am on a train fan forum! :lol: If there is one thing that gets my panties in a twist it is misogynistic comments, but I'll try to take it down a notch with you guys. :p
how long should i wait for amtrak to contact me again about the porter who kissed my neck on a train last year i am getting no help from them what do i do
Any witnesses?
If she contacted Amtrak, they may be doing an internal investigation; however the OP needs to follow up to be sure some action is taken. In the past, Amtrak has acted rather quickly on anything to do with sexual (or potential) sexual contact with a passenger. Having said that, they have also brought back employees who have been invovled in much worse situations than this. Go figure!
A kiss would certainly be considered inappropriate sexual harassment but I doubt if it is sexual assault. None the less this is still bad behvior in any setting. If there are witnesses you can press charges but if not, its just your word against his.
A kiss would certainly be considered inappropriate sexual harassment but I doubt if it is sexual assault. None the less this is still bad behvior in any setting. If there are witnesses you can press charges but if not, its just your word against his.
You don't need witnesses to press charges.
A kiss would certainly be considered inappropriate sexual harassment but I doubt if it is sexual assault. None the less this is still bad behvior in any setting. If there are witnesses you can press charges but if not, its just your word against his.
You don't need witnesses to press charges.
Technically I believe you are correct. You can sue anybody for anything. :eek:

Whether you'll persuade the justice system is another question--seems to me you'd have to have compelling physical or corroborative evidence of some sort to prevail. If you think this is serious enough to press charges, you'd definitely want to prevail.

Otherwise its like dlagrua said, word against word.
how long should i wait for amtrak to contact me again about the porter who kissed my neck on a train last year i am getting no help from them what do i do
My personal opinion is that the OP has received a range of advice and comments, and given the sensitive nature of this matter and rights of both the OP and the Amtrak employee involved, it would be prudent to lock this thread and close posts.
Which part of my post was somehow unclear? :unsure:

Before people go jumping off the deep end here, the OP simply asked us what the next step might be.
They aren't trying to convince us of anything, they aren't trying to get us to agree with them that it is assualt, they simply asked a question about what can they do next. So please, whether one believes that it happened or not, let's not judge. This person isn't asking for our support in their case. They only want to know what else they can do to have their issue heard by Amtrak.
It would be different if she had come here to rant. It would be different if she had come here seeking support for her case, as in "do you think that this was harrasment." It would be different if she came looking for sympathy.

All she asked was a simple question, what could she do next. Since some have actually answered her with some good responses, I'm going to follow jmbgeg's suggestion and close this.
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