Siemens Caltrans/IDOT Venture design, engineering, testing and delivery (2Q 2024)

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Interesting about Auto Train. I didn't know that. Actually, I've wondered why Amtrak prefers 800-series units to regular P42s on Auto Train. I assume it's the upgraded 800s they like.
I think it’s because of their older braking system. Despite the P40s being up to P42 standards now, I believe they’ve held on to the older braking system which is more compatible with the Autoracks. That’s why the P40s dominate the Auto Train, however a few P42s started showing up.

In the future, they want to use ALC-42s which have a braking system like the P42s, which could be why they’re running P42s since they’re already approved to run on the Auto Train unlike the ALC-42s. That way, they can still run that specific braking system while they wait to try again with the Chargers some time later on. Running ALC-42s would allow for longer Auto Trains since they can provide more HEP.
Interesting about Auto Train. I didn't know that. Actually, I've wondered why Amtrak prefers 800-series units to regular P42s on Auto Train. I assume it's the upgraded 800s they like.

I think it's because the P40s don't have electronic brakes, and are better suited to handle a train the length of the Auto Train. P40s have 26L airbrakes versus the Knorr EAB (Electronic Air Brakes) found on the P42s.

One of the main reasons they were assigned to the Auto Train when they debuted in 1993. Auto Train is technically a freight train with passenger cars in the consist after all.
I think it's because the P40s don't have electronic brakes, and are better suited to handle a train the length of the Auto Train. P40s have 26L airbrakes versus the Knorr EAB (Electronic Air Brakes) found on the P42s.

One of the main reasons they were assigned to the Auto Train when they debuted in 1993. Auto Train is technically a freight train with passenger cars in the consist after all.

The Dash 8-32BWH locomotives also have the 26L airbrakes, and are sometimes used as a subsitution (if available) for a P40 if it gets taken out of service.
San Joaquins Venture cab car testing has been pushed to June 3rd due to issues with the host railroad. Late announcement but better than never.
San Joaquins Venture cab car testing has once again been pushed to June 17th due to STILL waiting on the host railroad, BNSF, to approve the test. Amtrak can never rely on host railroads to do anything right away as showcased in previous examples, such as Charger testing on the Auto Train. 🤦‍♂️
Why do they have to wait for a host railroad to approve a test? Why can't they just run their trains whenever they want.
Because it’s still the freight operator’s tracks, so everything still needs to run through them. The same issue happened with the Auto Train and CSX that I previously mentioned, so Amtrak ended up sending the Chargers off somewhere else.
If there's other services using the track that would be used for testing, you have to have clear track and presumably a plan to remove a broken down/badly failed test train from the main line. If they essentially need to run an additional round trip for testing (e.g. pull into every station, approach every signal, etc) then finding a clear time slot could be a significant obstacle.
If there's other services using the track that would be used for testing, you have to have clear track and presumably a plan to remove a broken down/badly failed test train from the main line. If they essentially need to run an additional round trip for testing (e.g. pull into every station, approach every signal, etc) then finding a clear time slot could be a significant obstacle.
They've got 2x the amount of slots they are using now with 6RT running but they have 12RT slots.
Because it’s still the freight operator’s tracks, so everything still needs to run through them. The same issue happened with the Auto Train and CSX that I previously mentioned, so Amtrak ended up sending the Chargers off somewhere else.
Does that mean that they can't run Chargers on the Silver Service, Capitol Limited, and Empire Service west of Hoffmans, which are all CSX tracks?
Videos are available of ALC’s leading the Cap and Silver trains. I could not find one for the LSL. I believe it’s a matter of physical territory and not ownership. The AT is probably it’s own category as a mixed train.
Does that mean that they can't run Chargers on the Silver Service, Capitol Limited, and Empire Service west of Hoffmans, which are all CSX tracks?
No, Amtrak was trying to test a Charger duo (346/347) on the Auto Train, which needed CSX approval since it was a test on their tracks. Complications with CSX pushed the test back on top of train-involved incidents, so Amtrak sent them somewhere else. The Chargers are still running on the other services, nothing is happening to them.
Currently waiting on an announcement about San Joaquins Venture cab car mainline testing tomorrow. BNSF has approved the tests; however, Union Pacific must also approve, as some of the track is operated by them.
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And I remember reading that there are a couple more now in Chicago. Maybe we're finally getting them into service. By my little informal count, they can't start the New Orleans-Mobile service before they free up some Horizon or Amfleet food service cars from Chicago. The two Borealis sets took the last two Amfleet/Horizons available. They do, or will shortly, though, have enough Horizon coaches for the New Orleans-Mobile service.