Alright, I'm still trying to get a handle on how to play with these trains if there's a shuffle and I'm trying to pin possible times down. I've tallied up approximate runtimes; I had to make the presumption that the re-routed Star would run CLT-CLB-SAV (since regardless of my opinions on running it via Augusta, I simply can't even really guess at that one). I penciled in an average speed of just under 40 MPH on the route (I figure you have at most one intermediate stop and I have no clue as to track conditions). I could just as easily fill in something closer to 30 MPH and consider the estimate to be as honest.
Silver Star Timetable (A is current slots, B is Crescent slots)
| 91 | 91-A | 91-B | | 92-B | 92-A | 92 |
NYP | 1102 | 1102 | 1415 | | 1346 | 1850 | 1850 |
WAS | 1505 | 1505 | 1830 | | 0953 | 1438 | 1438 |
CVS | ---- | 1720 | 2045 | | 0740 | 1220 | ---- |
LYH | ---- | 1830 | 2155 | | 0630 | 1110 | ---- |
CLT | ---- | 2245 | 0210 | | 0215 | 0655 | ---- |
CLT | ---- | 2305 | 0230 | | 0155 | 0635 | ---- |
CLB | 0138 | 0130 | 0455 | | 2330 | 0410 | 0401 |
SAV | 0413 | 0405 | 0730 | | 2055 | 0125 | 0122 |
JAX | 0639 | 0635 | 1000 | | 1825 | 2255 | 2303 |
JAX | 0659 | 0655 | 1020 | | 1805 | 2233 | 2243 |
ORL | 1006 | 1000 | 1320 | | 1505 | 1922 | 1932 |
ORL | 1020 | 1015 | 1335 | | 1445 | 1906 | 1916 |
TPA | 1223 | 1220 | 1535 | | 1245 | 1717 | 1727 |
TPA | 1237 | 1235 | 1550 | | 1230 | 1703 | 1713 |
MIA | 1758 | 1755 | 2100 | | 0730 | 1140 | 1150 |
-Keeping the "current" slots provides good daylight times between Charlotte and Washington via the ex-Southern route through western Virginia. Though this is arguably a product of the presumptions on runtimes between Charlotte and Columbia, the runtimes are basically unchanged under the current slots.
-Switching the slots with the Crescent provides "daylight" service further north within Florida. However, this is arguably a mixed bag as it would basically put the northbound Silver Star right on top of the Northbound Meteor through Florida.
Crescent Timetable (A is current slots, B is Silver Star slots; 19-C uses the Meteor while 20-C uses the Carolinian's slots and presumes that the Carolinain would be moved.
| 19 | 19-A | 19-B | 19-C | | 20-C | 20-B | 20-A | 20 |
NYP | 1415 | 1415 | 1102 | 1515 | | 2035 | 1850 | 1346 | 1346 |
WAS | 1830 | 1830 | 1505 | 1925 | | 1630 | 1438 | 0953 | 0953 |
RVR | ---- | 2040 | 1715 | 2135 | | 1420 | 1228 | 0745 | ---- |
RVR | ---- | 2050 | 1725 | 2145 | | 1410 | 1218 | 0735 | ---- |
RGH | ---- | 0020 | 2055 | 0115 | | 1040 | 0848 | 0405 | ---- |
RGH | ---- | 0030 | 2105 | 0125 | | 1030 | 0838 | 0355 | ---- |
CLT | 0220 | 0345 | 0020 | 0440 | | 0715 | 0523 | 0040 | 0146 |
CLT | 0245 | 0405 | 0040 | 0500 | | 0655 | 0500 | 0020 | 0121 |
ATL | 0813 | 0935 | 0610 | 1030 | | 0125 | 2330 | 1850 | 2004 |
ATL | 0838 | 1005 | 0640 | 1100 | | 0055 | 2300 | 1820 | 1935 |
NOL | 1932 | 2105 | 1740 | 2200 | | 1300 | 1130 | 0600 | 0700 | (Central Time)
-Schedule 19-A/20-A (using the present slots on the NEC) provides good times for Richmond and Atlanta. Charlotte is no worse off than at present, but Raleigh gets shafted. Seeing as Raleigh-Richmond/Raleigh-NEC is a major market set for the Silver Star this is problematic. Also problematic is the timing out of New Orleans northbound.
-Schedule 19-B/20-B (using the Silver Star's slots on the NEC and proceeding from there) preserves these markets. Southbound the time into Atlanta is too early (though a bit of padding could help there) and northbound the train seems to skew a little bit later than might be desirable. The train also runs the risk of losing out on the Crescent's Atlanta-Washington market.
-Schedule 19-C is necessarily close to 19-A (the trains run an hour apart) and is thus similar. I threw out a Meteor-based option for 20 since it had 20 leaving NOL in the middle of the night.
-Schedule 20-C provides daylight service north of Charlotte (and might pair well with 19-B there).
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I'm trying to weigh how these would interact. That's really not an easy question since some pairs (NYP-CLT) can use either route while others (RVR-CLT, NYP-RGH) can't. My instinct is as follows, however:
Silver Star: Use schedule 91-A or a close variant.
Crescent: Use a variation of 19-A, moved perhaps an hour earlier to get Raleigh before midnight.
This gets you daylight-ish service for basically all of your major markets, save for ATL-CLT. As much as I would like that, however, it just doesn't work with only one train on the route and a need to serve New Orleans at a solid hour as well.
Silver Star: Use 92-A or a close variant.
Crescent: Here I'm stuck: 20-C is too late at Atlanta, 20-B is too early at Charlotte, but 20-A is too early at Raleigh and New Orleans...and pushing 20-B earlier by a bit (the best option I can see on the table) runs into rush hour in New York. All of them lose the overnight ATL-WAS timing. Given the pile of lousy choices, I'd say you either run a variant on A or B: Either push A around so you can the NOL/ATL times in line with what is presently the case (try to get NOL as close to 0700 as you can manage; as nice as pulling this train earlier would be, that puts too much stress on the NOL end of the schedule) or shove B 30-60 minutes earlier south of Charlotte but try to keep it roughly in position from Raleigh north (give or take half an hour) so it can run in at the end of rush hour. Charlotte's times stink, but 92-A covers that.