They have one on the Superliner Transdorms but still hang out in the Diner!![]()
Interesting... and apparently the powers that be don't mind how that appears. I'm only familiar with the Auto Train though, having not been on anything else.
They have one on the Superliner Transdorms but still hang out in the Diner!![]()
My wife and I took dozens of photos, and we’ll sort through them and get them posted soon. It is quite the task - sorry for the delay.
While our trip was terrific overall - and the VLII’s were truly a “wow” - the trip also pointed out what a mess Amtrak is right now with their onboard product. I’d like to blame it on the pandemic but I know better.
We ran into some terrific employees. The Dining car attendant MIA-WAS really stood out. Same for the Sleeper attendant RVR-MIA and MIA-WAS. I hate the whole Contemporary Dining product and process - but frankly that was the smoothest part of the trip.
The Cafe attendant from RVR-MIA was appalling. He intentionally denied service to a bunch of Coach travelers because there was a chance he’d have to stay open beyond his closing time. Instead, he closed 10 minutes early.
The best thing I can say about another Cafe attendant was that he was surly. He had a scowl on his face the entire time.
But even when the employees were otherwise great - the sloppiness in general was disheartening. The Cafe cars were a disheveled mess. The VLII shower room (amazing!) was designed with a towel rack, but it went unused and a big pile of towels was just stacked on the bench instead - rendering the bench useless. And two other shower rooms were used as walker storage - despite the presence of plenty of open rooms that could have been temporarily used for that purpose instead. The attendants know which/when rooms will/will not be occupied, but they choose to render the shower room useless.
Of course, the crews were spread out all over the lounge cars. I know customers aren’t allowed to sit there because of Covid - that’s OK. But it doesn’t excuse the disheveled mess that results from the crew occupation.
None of what I’m reporting is news - it’s been SOP for a long time. That doesn’t make it any less disheartening, or any less urgent to get addressed.
So, why are cafe attendants like Indy Lions describes above allowed to continue working in customer service? Do the labor unions hamstring Amtrak's hands in firing such surly performers?
I'm assuming the reason I never seem to run into waiters and waitresses with attitude problems in 99.99% of restaurants and bars I patronixze is that the owners and managers are free to terminate employees with negative attitudes at will- those folks who should never have been in customer service to begin with.
Will the labor unions that Amtrak deals with go to the mat defending even those who are totally miscast for their jobs?
I’m sorry, what?In short... yes. The sleeping car attendant who raped a passenger on the empire builder had been fired for selling pornography on the job and the union got him rehired.
So yeah... closing a cafe car early ain’t gonna get anybody fired.
Woman sues Amtrak after she was raped in sleeping cabin
By law unions are required to defend every member regardless of the circumstances. If this were relaxed to exclude bad faith actions it might create a healthier environment that still protects workers from unfair labor practices.Will the labor unions that Amtrak deals with go to the mat defending even those who are totally miscast for their jobs?
Although the article is true and worth discussing the way it is brought up here is jarring and seems to be an appeal to raw emotion rather than logic and reason.I’m sorry, what?
Although the article is true and worth discussing the way it is brought up here is jarring and seems to be an appeal to raw emotion rather than logic and reason.
The reason some staff behave poorly is that they can get away with it without consequences. This means there is no accountability of the employee by management. There are many disciplinary steps before terminating an employee. If none of these steps are taken towards employees, the behavior continues...I didn’t mean it in that way. I just meant that if the union can get someone like that rehired, why would anyone be worried about getting fired for closing a cafe car 10 minutes early?
I mean isn’t that why Amtrak staff behaves the way they do?
The reason some staff behave poorly is that they can get away with it without consequences. This means there is no accountability of the employee by management. There are many disciplinary steps before terminating an employee. If none of these steps are taken towards employees, the behavior continues...
Like the old caboose?They obviously just need a crew lounge/car - where they can all "hide" out of site.
Looking forward to some interior room photos![]()
When there are employees lounging in the diner, does that mean they are on an official break or just need to put their bodies somewhere when they're not actively working on some issue? In other words, if a passenger needs something, maybe going to the dining car is a surefire way of finding someone to help with whatever you need? A clearinghouse, if you will?They hang out in the diner a lot, a lot. You can always find two-four employees lounging there
Absolutely. Because they are held accountable by Airline management.Yet flight attendants are unionized and you rarely hear of poor behavior or bad service.
How do you make a case for discipline or retraining when you don't have any credible form of line supervision?
Yet flight attendants are unionized and you rarely hear of poor behavior or bad service.
I think the biggest difference between long haul flying and riding Amtrak is how the role of a purser differs from that of an LSA. On long haul flights the purser is there to coordinate tasks, maintain service standards, and record/resolve customer issues, whereas on Amtrak the LSA seems to be little more than a glorified cashier and stock tracker. If Amtrak had a fully supported purser position it might be completely different experience for their customers. It would still take months or even years to slowly weed out the bad apples but in theory each trip would be a little better than the last.Absolutely. Because they are held accountable by Airline management.
I was Surprised to see a Chef in the CCC on #422 today since there is still only the 1 LSA working the Diner/ Cafe Car for the Heat and Eat Meals.Didn't they have a "chief" on LD at one time? OBS will not be supervising T&E, that is not changing, and AMTRAK keeps trying to eliminate positions not add them on LD/non corridor day trains. As worthwhile as it seems to us, it runs counter to the current pattern.
I was Surprised to see a Chef in the CCC on #422 today since there is still only the 1 LSA working the Diner/ Cafe Car for the Heat and Eat Meals.
The SCA is delivering the Meals to the Passengers in the #422 Sleeper ( rear of the Train)that dont want to walk to the CCC for Meals. There are only 4 tables open in the Diner part of the Car with the rest roped off.There is No Cafe seating available( and Sleeper Passengers cant sit in the Full Coaches!!!)
if the LSA is responsible for both sides, it's still 2 jobs as opposed to 2 LSA. There is still no one free to walk the train.
It goes deeper than whatever oversight occurs or doesn't. It goes back to the corporate culture, which is ingrained from generation to generation. Some Amtrak employees have a sense of 'entitlement', as in the government owes them a living, and will pay them, regardless of how customer's are treated...Yet flight attendants are unionized and you rarely hear of poor behavior or bad service.
Unfortunately the young "eager beavers" New Hires are on Furlough and lots of the Old Guard set in their ways are working the LD Routes right now!It goes deeper than whatever oversight occurs or doesn't. It goes back to the corporate culture, which is ingrained from generation to generation. Some Amtrak employees have a sense of 'entitlement', as in the government owes them a living, and will pay them, regardless of how customer's are treated...
And they will drag down other's tired of carrying their load for them. Of course there are always the 'outliers', who will strive to rise above, and deliver superior service, even if it means being ostrasized by the slacker's... JMHO