slide along kootenai river disrupts eb

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Well, it says:

Amtrak passenger trains running from Seattle and Portland to Chicago have been halted for 48 hours.
... whatever they mean by that. There is no alert listed on, and they will let you add a ticket for tomorrow's train to your cart (@ high bucket, LOL). So maybe there's a bustitution.

But they claim tonight's Builder is sold out SPT to WFH, for what that's worth. Will be interesting to see if there is any more coverage, or an alert.
10: PM PST --- FWIW Track-a-train shows no trace of today's 8/28 and #7 currently stopped halfway between Malta and Shelby. Am status site labels both "disrupted" but not "canceled". Trying Amtrak res for Malta/CHI for tomorrow (ie. 8(28)) shows sold out, as Pioneer mentioned. Nothing under disruptions. Here's the link on TO to the Idaho slide.

Anybody know if today's 8 and 28 were officially cancelled and what's being done with pax?
I am scheduled to take #8 out of Minot tonight. The word from the Minot Depot is that #8 (29) is annulled at Spokane. #7(28) is annulled at Havre, and will turn back east, and will pick us up sometime tonight, though it will be "severely late." I've got a plumber coming at 8:30 Monday morning and hope to be home in St. Paul by then. Winter on the Hi Line!
From a reliable source.

Tracks are repaired, Train #8 out of Seattle (11/29) operates as normal.

Train #8 on 11/28 was cancelled entirely, with bus substitution for passengers going from and to Spokane and points in between.
Quoting again :

Addendum to last email:

Train #7 that was held in Havre, due to arrive in Seattle on 11/28, was turned and will represent Train #8 that would have left Seattle on 11/28, from Havre to Chicago.
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