Mmmkay, so lets say that Amtrak gets a big new equipment order for their LD/overnight trains, which would lead to an expansion of LD services (more routes, longer trains, multiple frequines/day). Of course getting such expansion to happen is another story, so dont give me the old "amtrak doesnt have the money/equipment - congress isnt going to fund this, etc"
Anyway, in this expansion, Amtrak introduces some sort of "intermediate class" - something nicer than a coach seat (aka a bed), but without the full perks of a sleeper (like meals included in ticket or something like that). Of course it'd also be cheaper than a sleeper room.
There's two different solutions that come to mind - slumbercoaches and sectional sleepers. There aren't any slumbercoaches anymore, and you'll have to travel to Canada to ride in a sectional sleeper.
Now, which would you prefer if you were a traveler?
I think I'd prefer sectional sleepers. Got no time to explain, but think of sectional sleepers to sleeper rooms as youth hostels are to hotels. They do work.