The conductors on the CZ the beginning of July repeatedly were reminding Coach passengers that EVERY coach was sold, no seat saving. They also repeatedly reminded everyone on the train that the SSL is to be shared by everyone on the train, all 400 plus passengers according to them. Well, at least 1/3, maybe more of the seats we occupied by "seat hogs" who had EVERYTHING they brought on the train at their SSL seat. When they got up they pulled their things over the seat. One woman was gone over an hour, when another woman started to move the things on the unoccupied seat just as the seat hog returned. The seat hog woman screamed at this woman that she was trying to steal her things by touching them. The conductor was hastily called. The seat hog demanded that the conductor call the police to have the woman arrested for attempted stealing. The Conductor tried to calm things down, but when he told the seat hog she was not allowed to bring everything to the SSL, that she was to leave her bags etc. at her coach seat she started a tirade of entitlement to the SSL seat as long as she was on the train. Now two conductors tried to sooth the situation, but now soon other seat hogs joined in the entitlement rant. In the end, the conductors got the seat hogs to agree they couldn't leave their seat unoccupied for more than a couple minutes. This defused the flare up, but in the end the Hogs won. I am not sure the Conductors felt they were 100% backed up by Amtrak. Maybe Amtrak needs to release specific rules for the SSL (seems ridiculous, but maybe today is necessary). In the DC there was discussion that Amtrak needs a PPC in the summer on the CZ due to almost never getting to see the Colorado scenery except from your room or in the DC. People were really upset about the SSL. I asked several to write Amtrak about this hoping something might be done.