This morning's #4(17) arrived in Kingman, AZ 2 hours behind it's normál 1.25am departure time. On the railcam, you could see a bunch of people boarding a coach car; having slept myself in coach on a number of occasions, those folks were looking to cozy into those cozy wide seats, complete with foot rest and leg support. Unfortunately the last 5 or 6 had to move to the SSL - standing room only. They had to be frustrated - some folks can sleep anywhere, even in the seats in the lounge.. but not everyone!
Can someone please explain how this can happen? As far as I knew, you need a reservation to board an Amtrak LD train.. and one would hope the computer system can tell if enough seats will be available at each particular stop...(i.e. it "knows" when passengers with reservations are getting on and off.)