(spice rub consists of: brown sugar, Kosher salt,are the "spices" identified?
I've had it twice. Once it was quite dry, the other time, it was fine. I could take or leave the spices.Looks like a decent plate. How was it?
Yep, and rice was a variety of marsh grass.Yep. Corn was tinier, I think. Sheep were less fluffy (anyone watch CGP Grey?).
Legend has it that carrots were originally yellow, purple and other colors, but that during the period Holland was occupied by the Spaniards, Dutch farmers bred the orange variety, Orange was at the time the colour of the Dutch rebellion (being a pun on the name of the leader of the rebellion and ancestor of the present royal family, William of Orange). When questioned the farmers could claim they didn't know why the carrots were all turning orange and the Spaniards couldn't work out whether there was any intent behind it. Anyway, the color caught on and soon they were outselling the traditional types.That picture reminds me of my first dinner on a train, my dad and I could not figure out what the yellow veggie was. Quote my dad to the LSA "What are those yellow things that taste like carrot?" LSA- "Yellow carrots"
I usually have the Fish option when I'm not up to packing down a gut-buster meal, and never have been disappointed. The best Fish I had on Amtrak was many years ago on the Sunset between NOL-SAS-good traditional Blackened Catfish.Looks really good actually!