I forget which line(Green?) was to go to LAX. But the airport blocked the access of that line. I received this information from a brother in law. It is also at least 5 years old, so today's non-access may be completely different . There is a switch and short stub built south (I think) of the airport property.
Right here the whole time, and no need to bother bro-in-law:
Rail To Airport Still Has Hurdles
Just read it. Seems that there are people that don't want it to happen and are simply looking for reasons to say no. A classic found in the article:
Ian Gregor, a spokesman for the FAA, said running the rail line above ground by the south runway protection zone would raise some of the same issues that challenged the Green Line from extending into the airport in the 1990s. Those issues include whether the overhead catenary wires would interfere with runway operations and whether the rail electronics would cause problems for air traffic control.
Maybe the guy should go north about 400 miles and look at SFO. BART comes in above ground and terminates right at the International Terminal. The clearance is simple: There is a clear zone for the flight path. Stay out of it. End of story. Interference with ATC? Come on, get real. What electronics would be interfering? The big amps are in the power system. BART is 1000 volts. The LA overhead is 1500 volts.