Sunset Limited #1 status

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Lead Service Attendant
Sep 2, 2009
Are there any service disruptions on the SL now? I checked the Amtrak Train Status and it says there is no information due to a disruption. We're taking the SL next week from LCH to LAX. I know some of the tracks were flooded last week. Thank you.
I'll be taking 2 from LA in a couple of weeks. The last week there has been no status of trains due to a service disruption. Are the trains even running?

this website provides the GPS location of one of the locomotives on every Amtrak train in revenue service, nation wide, updating about once very 4 minutes.
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Still wondering why all Sunset Limited trains are showing grey.....saying "Service Disruption" yet the trains are somewhat on time and are continuing on their respective paths all day......
Still wondering why all Sunset Limited trains are showing grey.....saying "Service Disruption" yet the trains are somewhat on time and are continuing on their respective paths all day......
Are they back to serving NOL? If not then it's considered a service disruption even if the SAS-LAX cities are being served on time.
I can finally answer my own question (sort of). After calling Amtrak and going on the transitdocs website, without any answers, I went back to Amtrak. com Train status. This is what I learned: Effective March 26 and 27- Due to severe flooding East of San Antonio, the railroad has been closed, affecting the SL as follows: March 26 a bus will replace #1 from NOL to SAS. March 27 a bus will replace #2 from Houston to NOL.
FYI I called Amtrak again and after much pleading, got an agent to look for an update on the work on the tracks between NOL and HOS. She says they should be fixed by Tuesday. We shall see. I hope this helps someone else. I certainly don't look forward to 10-12 hours on a bus. I will keep you posted.
FYI I called Amtrak again and after much pleading, got an agent to look for an update on the work on the tracks between NOL and HOS. She says they should be fixed by Tuesday. We shall see. I hope this helps someone else. I certainly don't look forward to 10-12 hours on a bus. I will keep you posted.
Crossing my fingers, I'll be on it (#2) in three weeks from SAS to NOL. I have been paying attention to this as closely as possible from NYS (which isn't very well). had listed it for the past week and a half in the service disruptions section of their website through the 25th. I checked yesterday and they extended that until the 27th. I was going to wait it out a week or so before sending out an inquiry about it. I like what they told you, but hopefully that is really the case and both of us can ride a train like we plan instead of a bus.
I've had the great pleasure of riding most of the long distance trains throughout my 76 years on the planet. The Sunset Limited from Los Angeles to New Orleans has emerged as my favorite ride. From the vast desert views to the mysterious bayous and ending in New Orleans, the most fascinating city in America. I hope to ride it one more time in June to hear American music where it was born. To all my train-riding friends, peace, love, and keep exploring.
Upon checking the status of #1 out of LCH, it was 38 minutes late, but no mention of a BUS!
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