Sunset times along train line

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Aug 11, 2021
Northern CA
At the risk of inducing high-school math/SAT flashbacks (a train leaves Chicago at...), does anybody know a simple way to determine when darkness falls along a particular train line on a particular date? Of course, I can look up the sunset time at a particular location, but a moving train presents another variable.

FWIW, I'm taking the Sunset Limited eastbound (No. 2) departing Los Angeles 3/23, but I'd love to know if there's generally a better way than just looking up sunset times at each station along a line. (Extra points for a darkness map I can overlay in CalTopo!)
At the risk of inducing high-school math/SAT flashbacks (a train leaves Chicago at...), does anybody know a simple way to determine when darkness falls along a particular train line on a particular date? Of course, I can look up the sunset time at a particular location, but a moving train presents another variable.

FWIW, I'm taking the Sunset Limited eastbound (No. 2) departing Los Angeles 3/23, but I'd love to know if there's generally a better way than just looking up sunset times at each station along a line. (Extra points for a darkness map I can overlay in CalTopo!)
I use the website when I'm getting ready to travel. I'm guessing that's the one you use also. I haven't searched for any "better".

Maybe this site (I'm trying to figure it out right now).
There are pretty good analytic formulas for computing the times of sunrises and sets, involving combinations of trigonometric functions. The dependence on longitude is linear, at 4 minutes of time per degree of longitude. The dependence on latitude is more complicated, and involves the time of year, but, unless you are going on the Alaska Railroad, you should be able to use linear interpolation, once you have the times for a couple of points at different latitudes, but near the relevant area. Mountains on the horizon will throw this calculation off.

On the other hand, figuring out where the train will be at any given time seems to be a hard problem.
Photographers often use The Photographer's Ephemeris (TPE) app. It shows sunset, sunrise, direction of each. You can select a specific date and location or have it determine where you are.
Thanks for the help! @RalphCT, I'll check the TPE app out. @AmtrakBlue, I had run across suncalc, but haven't taken a deep dive yet. As @DavidSh rightly notes,
figuring out where the train will be at any given time seems to be a hard problem.
It feels like a fixed route and a predictable sunset would make for a simple solution, but nothing's ever really that easy. I'd love to be able to run queries like, I'm on Amtrak route X, on date Y - where will I be when the sun sets? But for my upcoming trip, perhaps I'll just look up the sunset times at stations, and maybe use the linear interpolation (thanks for the info!).

@AmtrakBlue, I'm curious about dinner on the earlier departure schedule too, but unfortunately, I mistyped - I'm actually taking the train on 4/23, so you might well find the answer first - but I'll let you know in any case. Sorry!
@AmtrakBlue, I'm curious about dinner on the earlier departure schedule too, but unfortunately, I mistyped - I'm actually taking the train on 4/23, so you might well find the answer first - but I'll let you know in any case. Sorry!
No problem. I'll be on it before you, so I'll try to remember to let you know. :)
Thanks for the help! @RalphCT, I'll check the TPE app out. @AmtrakBlue, I had run across suncalc, but haven't taken a deep dive yet. As @DavidSh rightly notes,

It feels like a fixed route and a predictable sunset would make for a simple solution, but nothing's ever really that easy. I'd love to be able to run queries like, I'm on Amtrak route X, on date Y - where will I be when the sun sets? But for my upcoming trip, perhaps I'll just look up the sunset times at stations, and maybe use the linear interpolation (thanks for the info!).

@AmtrakBlue, I'm curious about dinner on the earlier departure schedule too, but unfortunately, I mistyped - I'm actually taking the train on 4/23, so you might well find the answer first - but I'll let you know in any case. Sorry!

You're making the potentially very large mistake of assuming the train is on time... which in the real world is often not the case.
I wouldn't count on a dinner meal, but a call to Amtrak to verify might be in order.
Much better Food available in LA than what the Diner serves on the Sunset Ltd( even though it has "Traditional Food Service").

For convienece,I'd just go to Philipe, or one if the Mexican Joints across the Street from Union Station in the "Olvera Village."
I wouldn't count on a dinner meal, but a call to Amtrak to verify might be in order.
1. Aside from quoting fares and securing space, Amtrak reservations agents tend to be pretty ignorant of the ground truth of conditions and services onboard, especially on the LDs. Go ahead and call, but I wouldn't be 100% confident of the answer.
2. My semi-educated guess is it won't be. Partly through bureaucratic inertia because the train isn't normally stocked for 3 dinner services, and partly because while 7:30 is within service hours, it is late. Amtrak goes both ways on that, there's dinner out of Chicago on the CONO, but no breakfast out of Emeryville on the CZ.

Personally, I'd assume no dinner service, but would hope to be pleasantly surprised.
1. Aside from quoting fares and securing space, Amtrak reservations agents tend to be pretty ignorant of the ground truth of conditions and services onboard, especially on the LDs. Go ahead and call, but I wouldn't be 100% confident of the answer.
2. My semi-educated guess is it won't be. Partly through bureaucratic inertia because the train isn't normally stocked for 3 dinner services, and partly because while 7:30 is within service hours, it is late. Amtrak goes both ways on that, there's dinner out of Chicago on the CONO, but no breakfast out of Emeryville on the CZ.

Personally, I'd assume no dinner service, but would hope to be pleasantly surprised.
A bit off topic, but since you broached the subject: Is there dinner out of CHI on the Cardinal, departing at 5:55pm?