Superliners: Rockville Bridge/Harrisburg/Race Street

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Jul 9, 2014
I've searched for videos or pictures of Superliners at the placed listed above. I know they've been in Philadelphia at some point so I assumed someone probably captured the moment.

My search didn't really reveal much. I'm especially interested of pictures of them on the Rockville Bridge. I think that would make a great video. Does anyone have any footage of Superliner equipment in/on the places listed above?

If not, perhaps some diligent, video and/or camera wielding adventurer may be able to obtain some footage quite soon. :ph34r:
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Just passed through Philly about an hour ago and say the Superliner consist. Almost fell out of my seat.
Some pictures and videos are up on Facebook and YouTube. Heard they're being used as dormitories for this weekend but not sure why
Some pictures and videos are up on Facebook and YouTube. Heard they're being used as dormitories for this weekend but not sure why
The reports are that the sleeper cars are being used as dormitories for Amtrak staff and crew members as the Philadelphia hotels are sold out and there are many traffic, security, and SEPTA restrictions during the Pope's visit to Philly. The Pope will be in DC from Tuesday through Thursday which is expected to result in major traffic jams due to road closures and huge security perimeters wherever the Pope goes.
Their are photos and videos a plenty on the NEC Facebook page.

These cars are being used to hold crews. Although it is not due to the lack of hotel rooms. About 2 weeks ago rooms were available by the thousands. They brought these cars in as Race Street is right there. A short walk for crews.
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