Sweet Dome Adirondack

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Honored Member
Mar 21, 2007
Southern California
From the Trains News Wire:

NEW YORK - Amtrak has announced that its New York-Montreal Adirondack will again feature the company's only remaining full-length, single-level dome car for this year's fall color season. The car, which was originally built for Great Northern's Empire Builder in 1955 and acquired by Amtrak in 1971, will run northbound Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from Oct. 1 through Nov. 9, and southbound on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, Oct. 2 through Nov. 10, 2009.

Good news for the Patrick & Alice RailRiot 2009!
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From the Trains News Wire:
NEW YORK - Amtrak has announced that its New York-Montreal Adirondack will again feature the company's only remaining full-length, single-level dome car for this year's fall color season. The car, which was originally built for Great Northern's Empire Builder in 1955 and acquired by Amtrak in 1971, will run northbound Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from Oct. 1 through Nov. 9, and southbound on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, Oct. 2 through Nov. 10, 2009.

Good news for the Patrick & Alice RailRiot 2009!
Patrick: Since they say this is your private car why not ride it when they deadhead it back East from Calif? Win/Win!!! :lol:
I smell a trip in my future! :p
I used to live in upstate NY along the Adirondack's route, and haven't taken that trip in years. There is nothing like northeast foliage for fall scenery! :cool:
There"s a post about Homeland Security today! Perfect practice,they can be on the lookout for suspicious characters riding The Adorondack across our borders,do they give AGR points for tips that lead to apphrehension os such types? :lol: Wish I could go,this is one fine trip!!!!
As a passenger, how difficult is it to get a seat in the Dome? I've seen some pretty crowded SSL Cars in my travels with pax trying to hog the seats!

As a passenger, how difficult is it to get a seat in the Dome? I've seen some pretty crowded SSL Cars in my travels with pax trying to hog the seats!RF
Alan clarified this in a previous thread on this subject! Its first come,first served on this lounge just like all LD trains!Theres no biz class here or sleepers but perhaps if you are a senior or special needs pax you can use a red cap to get early boarding since there is no baggage check,all baggage crossing the border must have special tags and accompany the ticketed pax it belongs too!The early bird gets the worm!This is a great trip,the best scenery going is on the right side next to the lake,vice versa returning!

You do have to spend the night in Montreal even if youre continuing on a VIA train elsewhere in Canada (which is a good idea!!) since the Constellation,

the overnight train Montreal-Toronto no longer runs! If you go enjoy,its one of my best Amtrak trips ever(I went in August so it was green!)
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As a passenger, how difficult is it to get a seat in the Dome? I've seen some pretty crowded SSL Cars in my travels with pax trying to hog the seats!RF
Back in the 70's, the Adirondack ran with a bubble top dome car (1/3 car length). I never had trouble getting a seat there. In fact, probably 50% of the seats were empty! :eek: (But great for me! :) )
As a passenger, how difficult is it to get a seat in the Dome? I've seen some pretty crowded SSL Cars in my travels with pax trying to hog the seats!RF
Alan clarified this in a previous thread on this subject! Its first come,first served on this lounge just like all LD trains!Theres no biz class here or sleepers but perhaps if you are a senior or special needs pax you can use a red cap to get early boarding since there is no baggage check,all baggage crossing the border must have special tags and accompany the ticketed pax it belongs too!The early bird gets the worm!This is a great trip,the best scenery going is on the right side next to the lake,vice versa returning!

You do have to spend the night in Montreal even if youre continuing on a VIA train elsewhere in Canada (which is a good idea!!) since the Constellation,

the overnight train Montreal-Toronto no longer runs! If you go enjoy,its one of my best Amtrak trips ever(I went in August so it was green!)
Northbound, the train runs without the dome car from NYP to Albany. At Albany the dome car is added. The train will already have a lot of passengers on-board, who can just head straight to the dome car. So there's no way early boarding will help you get a seat in the dome car northbound.

Southbound, the train has the dome car from the start in Montreal. If there are redcaps there, that might help.

I haven't ridden the Adirondack, but having ridden the Pennsylvanian (another rather long run with only a cafe car) I advise bringing some snack food, maybe even a bag lunch, along. Just make sure you eat all the fruit before crossing into Canada!
So, Dome pax don't come & go like the SSL on LD trips?RF
As the OP said,first come ,first served!Use a red cap/early boarding like the OP said,the whole purpose of this trip is the sight seeing!
As the OP said,first come ,first served!Use a red cap/early boarding like the OP said,the whole purpose of this trip is the sight seeing!
But as stated, there is no Red Caps or early boarding in ALB. It only operates north of Albany. Besides, since it is a LOUNGE car, you would have to be at your regular seat until your ticket was taken! :rolleyes:
I smell a trip in my future! :p I used to live in upstate NY along the Adirondack's route, and haven't taken that trip in years. There is nothing like northeast foliage for fall scenery! :cool:
I've heard the APD has already put out an APB and notified Rensselaer so they can watch ALB!
Are there outlets in the dome? Sadly enough, the answer to this question may decide whether or not I can take the trip.
Regarding its schedule...north on Mon, Thu, Sat; south on Tue, Fri, Sun....never on Wed...I can't help smiling and remembering the old Rio Grande Zephyr schedule out of Denver all those years ago. :)
So is the Adirondack consist as follows?

P42 (Albany-Montréal)

P32 (New York-Albany)

Amfleet I Coach (New York-Albany)

Heritage Dome Lounge (Albany-Montréal)

Amfleet I Coach (New York-Montréal)

Amfleet I Coach (New York-Montréal)

Amfleet I Café (New York-Montréal)

Amfleet II Coach (New York-Montréal)

Amfleet II Coach (New York-Montréal)
As a passenger, how difficult is it to get a seat in the Dome? I've seen some pretty crowded SSL Cars in my travels with pax trying to hog the seats!RF
Back in the 70's, the Adirondack ran with a bubble top dome car (1/3 car length). I never had trouble getting a seat there. In fact, probably 50% of the seats were empty! :eek: (But great for me! :) )
Floor plan of "bubble dome."
So is the Adirondack consist as follows?
P42 (Albany-Montréal)

P32 (New York-Albany)

Amfleet I Coach (New York-Albany)

Heritage Dome Lounge (Albany-Montréal)

Amfleet I Coach (New York-Montréal)

Amfleet I Coach (New York-Montréal)

Amfleet I Café (New York-Montréal)

Amfleet II Coach (New York-Montréal)

Amfleet II Coach (New York-Montréal)
I'm pretty sure the dome is the first car, to simplify switching--the P32 comes off and the (P42+dome) goes on in its place.
So is the Adirondack consist as follows?
P42 (Albany-Montréal)

P32 (New York-Albany)

Amfleet I Coach (New York-Albany)

Heritage Dome Lounge (Albany-Montréal)

Amfleet I Coach (New York-Montréal)

Amfleet I Coach (New York-Montréal)

Amfleet I Café (New York-Montréal)

Amfleet II Coach (New York-Montréal)

Amfleet II Coach (New York-Montréal)
I'm pretty sure the dome is the first car, to simplify switching--the P32 comes off and the (P42+dome) goes on in its place.

I believe the extra coach he shows in front of the dome is NYP-ALB only for the overflow crowd. At Albany, it is removed with the P32ACDM and the P42 and dome are added. So yes Amtraking, that is the correct consist.
Are there outlets in the dome? Sadly enough, the answer to this question may decide whether or not I can take the trip.

No, that car probably has a few hidden ones, but they aren't all over the car. If it is a cell phone that needs to be charged, just leave it in coach.
Calling all dome cars: Perhaps chuljin could provide an update on current whereabouts.


. From the latest Lynyrd Skynyrd album "Most Of Us Are Dead." Note repugnant and blatant presence of Confederate battle flag. That kind of South will NOT rise again.
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No, that car probably has a few hidden ones, but they aren't all over the car. If it is a cell phone that needs to be charged, just leave it in coach.
It's likely that I'll need continuous access to my laptop - I'm in 4 AP classes and a weekend excursion would not be without homework.
Calling all dome cars: Perhaps chuljin could provide an update on current whereabouts.

Dude, you will need continous access, but you can get that in the coach cars. During the time you do the smart thing, and ignore America's weird desire for all people to learn things in the worst possible learning environment (the American public school system), and realize that AP tests are quite easy- I didn't study for any of mine and got all 5s - you can spend it in the lounge. Or atleast the few hours your battery will last while your laptop is not plugged in.
No, that car probably has a few hidden ones, but they aren't all over the car. If it is a cell phone that needs to be charged, just leave it in coach.
It's likely that I'll need continuous access to my laptop - I'm in 4 AP classes and a weekend excursion would not be without homework.
There are several sockets along the side of the walkway upstairs. You will most likely need to ask the conductor to turn that circuit on though, since they do not normally keep it on. The conductor obliged both times when I was in that car on the Adirondack.
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