Texas Eagle Sightseer lounge discontinued

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Why all the anger??? Because for the first 1305 miles on the TE route there will be no sightseer lounge... and literally no place to go other than your room or coach seat. This means...

Limited view as the TE makes that dramatic turn across the Mississippi with the stunning St. Louis Arch among other missed scenery. It means that most passengers will literally feel a sense of confinement for the first half day out of Chicago, and the entire second day of the trip which reaches San Antonio at around 10pm.

Screaming evidence at the incompetancy of Amtrak management. Below is the schedule of the Texas Eagle with literally no passenger amenities... except for the ability to get up, go the the bathroom, and go to the cafe for take out only... take back to your room or seat...
Texas Eagle - no pax amenities for 1305 mi.png
Question: Is there a shortage of SSL cars? Up until the pandemic,the TE had a SSL car and I've been taken that train many times and that car has always been there.

Why is it not being returned? Is there any logical reason? The sightseer car is an integral part of a LD train. Another reason the idiots in charge of Amtrak should be removed.
Question: Is there a shortage of SSL cars? Up until the pandemic,the TE had a SSL car and I've been taken that train many times and that car has always been there.

Why is it not being returned? Is there any logical reason? The sightseer car is an integral part of a LD train. Another reason the idiots in charge of Amtrak should be removed.
It's Amtrak long distance management. Neither intelligence, nor logic are present. The driving philosophy is cost-cutting uber alles, with zero thought to growing, or even retaining, the business (short of acting so egregiously that they get Congress po'd). If they think they can save a bit by not hauling the car, they will. If ridership drops, so be it. They saved money. It is the only KPI upper management seems to look at. Ridership on a long distance train? Does not seem to matter to anyone in Amtrak management. They may even want it to improve the business case for dropping service, like Espee famously did.

There is NO real support for long distance service in Amtrak Executive management or on the Board. There may be lip service, Anderson's outright hostility and idiotic proposals (bustituting the Chief) caught Congress' attention in a bad way. So they talk nicer now. Little else appears changed since Anderson's blessed departure.

Fire the Board.
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Does anyone at AU know exactly who scrubbed the SSL from the almost 2 days itinerary of the TE and what the exact reason was??? It boarders on inappropriate treatement of passengers who must be confined to their seats for 30 + hours between Chicago and Austin!

They can't 'linger' in the cafe lounge because it's used by the crew... who apparently have nowhere else to plant themselves. If you want to get up and stretch... or go to a place where you can better view the scenery from both sides... there is no longer the sightseer lounge car... which has become a necessity for long distance trips.

So... has anyone been able to find out the 'backstory' to this setback?

Oh how I remember the outrage at the flex puddle meals... but despite all the objections... Amtrak just does what it wants... and years late the deterioration and downgrades continue!
FYI - here are two things that no longer exist on Amtrak's longest distance passenger train... enough to make anyone disappointed! Nope... you will no longer get that view of the St Louis Arch from the SSC because it's gone; nor will you any longer enjoy a double decker cheese sandwich at lunch as you casually make new friends in the dining car, because that's gone too. :mad: 🥵
Watch: Dining on a train

I read these posts about the loss of the Texas Eagle SSL car,the temporary continuation of flex dining and the outrageous sleeper prices on this and other forums and it gets me steamed.

Yet,I have a trip coming up next week in a roomette between Chicago and LA on the Eagle and I'm as excited as ever. I specifically booked the May 21 date months ago so I could be one of the first to experience traditional dining again...well...
plus I saved $280 by booking when I did..$13 coach Chi-Bloomington and $448 roomette to LA. Amtrak's last great bargain and that's gone as well

Can anybody logically explain why the Sightseer Car is not returning to the TE? Obviously,there is no explanation. They have always had one prior to the pandemic. Sucks,doesn't it?
Amtrak has to be the only long distance carrier in the country actually discouraging travel. What a way to run a railroad! Ill ask once again..if any Amtrak or former Amtrak employee reads this forum,please give us an explanation on why the Sightseer car was removed from the Texas Eagle...oh..and if it is one person responsible for the most idiotic move since flex dining..please have him fired. Thank you.
I read these posts about the loss of the Texas Eagle SSL car,the temporary continuation of flex dining and the outrageous sleeper prices on this and other forums and it gets me steamed.

Yet,I have a trip coming up next week in a roomette between Chicago and LA on the Eagle and I'm as excited as ever. I specifically booked the May 21 date months ago so I could be one of the first to experience traditional dining again...well...
plus I saved $280 by booking when I did..$13 coach Chi-Bloomington and $448 roomette to LA. Amtrak's last great bargain and that's gone as well

Can anybody logically explain why the Sightseer Car is not returning to the TE? Obviously,there is no explanation. They have always had one prior to the pandemic. Sucks,doesn't it?
Do try to have a good time and realize the LD's may not last too much longer. You can pop off at stretch stops; and enjoy the great transitions of the scenery. If you do want to catch those river crossings, you can still go the entrance doors on the lower level and watch from there. Yes... indeed, you got a comparative bargain at $448. You can also bring along lots of nibbles and a little alcohol if you are so inclined... it's allowed to be consumed in your roomette. Have a party and enjoy!

I will be on the TE next October in an H room... LAX to Springfield ILL... only got a mid bucket price... $669 but with a facility in the room so I'm not complaining. I'm just gonna go and have the best time that I can. That's all any of us can do; realizing that in life there is always better and there is always worse.

The real winners are the adaptable ones of us who make the best of things.

Glad you're excited... and you should be cause you will have a great trip! 😇 😇 😇
Has anyone thought this has nothing to do with a shortage of Sightseer Lounges and more about "making do" with one food service car on the Eagle?
Wasn't that what the first half of the thread was about?
Has anyone thought this has nothing to do with a shortage of Sightseer Lounges and more about "making do" with one food service car on the Eagle?
Well, I can go through the math, but off the top of my head I would say they had enough Sightseers to provide them on the Cap, CONO, and Eagle under full schedules prior to COVID and I don't think they've put any in the ditch since.

So no.
Could be...but even if that's the case, why not just run them unstaffed, and close the lower level, so that passenger's can still enjoy the lounge?🤔
That is what they were doing like 3 years ago on the Capitol when I rode it. Cafe service was provided at the counter on the Lounge end of the Diner/Lounge, and the downstairs of the Sightseer was not staffed and was closed. But it was there providing lounge and table seating. The Lounge end of the Diner/Lounge and the table end of the Sightseer were coupled together.

It worked fine.
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That is what they were doing like 3 years ago on the Capitol when I rode it. Cafe service was provided at the counter on the Lounge end of the Diner/Lounge, and the downstairs of the Sightseer was not staffed and was closed. But it was there providing lounge and table seating. The Lounge end of the Diner/Lounge and the table end of the Sightseer were coupled together.

It worked fine.
That's what they should do, then. And the crew could use the tables downstairs, as their 'office', and free up the ones they block in the diner/lounge....
It's Amtrak long distance management. Neither intelligence, nor logic are present. The driving philosophy is cost-cutting uber alles, with zero thought to growing, or even retaining, the business (short of acting so egregiously that they get Congress po'd). If they think they can save a bit by not hauling the car, they will. If ridership drops, so be it. They saved money. It is the only KPI upper management seems to look at.

When did I start working for Amtrak??? :confused:

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