The California Zephyr

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Service Attendant
May 27, 2017
Chicago, IL
I might be traveling by plane to Denver CO and I wanted to take the Amtrak back. I was interested in the 6 California Zephyr which leaves Denver via Union Station at 7:10pm. Can someone tell me about the train? How are the sleepers? Is the dinner menu good? Good scenery?
I think the scenery between Denver and Chicago is okay but not compelling. It would be a good way to experience the train if you want to try travelling by train but I don't regard it as highly scenic.

By contrast the scenery between Emeryville, California and Denver on No. 6 is superb. I would recommend that you ride that section instead, either eastbound or westbound, or perhaps do the whole route from Emeryville to Chicago.
Relaxing in a Roomette watching the scenery go by is always good. You’ll see a lot of farm country then cross the Mississippi River. The meals were good and more than I usually eat in one day.
I assume you will be going to Chicago? You didn't mention the time of your trip, but if it will be later this year, you will have diminishing daylight. It will be dark when you leave Denver and no light until you are in Iowa. So the scenery will be Iowa and Illinois, much of which you may be already familiar with. Of course, you will see some new views from the train that you don't get by car.

If you explore this forum, you will find tons of opinions about the food, so I won't dwell on that. Lots of people like it and others see room for improvement. You will learn a lot by reading some of the food related threads. But the experience of eating in the dining car is itself a bucket list item for many people. I recommend it if you haven't done it. There is talk of changing the dining services in the coming months/years, so if the dining car appeals to you it may be a good idea to take a trip sooner rather than later.