The Cardinal consist may have changed

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Nov 24, 2009
Hillsborough, NJ
On this weeks trip on the Crescent, we had dinner with another couple that rode the Cardinal last week. They claimed that the Cardinal now runs two sleeper cars. They said that the ride was pleasant but the "diner lite" food was terrible. Can anyone verfiy the sleeper addition to the CDL consist?
No. The only way the Cardinal may have run with two sleepers is if one was deadheading.
You can charter Viewliners for private use, too . I discussed it with someOne about possibilities for me and my fiance's wedding. Costs an arm and a leg, though.
I would go with the opinion that adding a Viewliner to the Cardinal is a long shot but got a bit excited when our Crescent dinner guests reported two sleepers on their CDL trip. The people who gave us the info appeared to be credible so the likehood that the extra Viewliner deadheading to BG was the most likely scenerio. We would really like to experience that route but will probably wait for the Viewliner II's in 2013 where the CDL will most likely get its badly needed second sleeper and a real diner. It is sad that a route that regularly experiences high ridership and almost always sells out its sleepers cannot be improved right now.
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