From the Indian train tracker, there's both red and blue labels. Does that denote how late the train is?
IR dosen't thave great OTP either, only 67% running on advertised. But Indians still take train a lot more than Americans because they have a lot more trains and they're cheap.
On that map, anything that is not running on scheduled time is in red, if you click some of the red trains, you'll find some of them are running just 15-20 minutes late but still they show up as red while the ones running 3 hours late show up red too. As with Amtrak, these trains also have padding built in, so a lot of those "red" trains will likely end their journeys on time, or pretty close to schedule. The 67% OTP also comes from same metric, I forgot the exact number but I think it is something like anything over 10 or 15 minutes late is not OTP anymore.
Also, the reason for delays are very different than Amtrak. Here in the US, our passenger trains get delayed due to not getting clear track among the freight traffic, while in India, there are so many passenger trains that they are cannibalizing OTP of other passenger trains. The demand is so high that it's a dilemma between deciding whether to have fewer trains that run on time and half the people never get to travel, or give everyone a train to travel but everyone reaches a little late.. and in a democracy whether it is here, or there in India, you very well know what the greed to win votes can make you do. :wacko: