The 'Ocean'......First Run! (with photos)

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My understanding is they refurbished the Manors in the fairly recent past, but not the Chateaus that weren't picked for Prestige reconstruction and remained intact.

I noticed the crew Chateau on the Canadian the last few times I rode it was getting pretty tatty just passing through it

It's usually 'Manor' Sleepers that are found on the Canadian as they offer more Cabins for 2 (Double Bedrooms) and the larger Cabins for 1 (Roomettes). They were refurbished to match the new interior scheme when 'Prestige Class' was launched. The Canadian does occasionally have a Chateau and they are used for crew accommodations.

And it's usually 'Chateau' Sleepers that appear on the Ocean. As the Ocean was using mostly the Renaissance Sleepers and the Chateau Sleepers only used as required......maybe VIA didn't see a need for a complete refurbishing like the Manors. Perhaps with the new Hybrid Ocean consist .....some Chateau cars will now be refurbished. A trip report for the first run of the Ocean three weeks ago noted that the Renaissance Sleepers have been nicely refreshed but not the Chateau being used as crew space......and now there are more Chateau Sleepers appearing.

Tim's Train Travels (

The Chateau Sleepers have fewer Cabins for 2 but do have a Cabin for 3. The Cabins for 1 are the old style Duplex Roomettes (rooms are stacked like a Slumber Coach) and smaller than the Cabin for 1 in the Manor cars. Like the Manors....they also have Open Sections (Uppers and Lower Berths) not in use presently due to Covid.
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NS VIA Fan thanks so much for the detailed response and the photos and links you posted. Very much appreciated.

I will keep an eye on this site for updates on both the addition of the dome car and the opening of the dining car. Once we get to this stage I hope to take the train one way between Halifax to Ottawa.

And I'll keep this post updated with Ocean info as it becomes available.

PS.....have you visited the CN Caribou....a.k.a the Newfie Bullet equipment display in Corner Brook? I did last year.

A Covid 'Atlantic Bubble' Road Trip (& some Trains too!) | Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum (
And I'll keep this post updated with Ocean info as it becomes available.

PS.....have you visited the CN Caribou....a.k.a the Newfie Bullet equipment display in Corner Brook? I did last year.

A Covid 'Atlantic Bubble' Road Trip (& some Trains too!) | Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum (

Thanks for this link and the one for Tim's Train Travels. I read them both. Thanks so much as they were an enjoyable read.

Yes I have visited the display in Corner Brook many times. When my boys were younger we would spend many days visiting both my and my wife's parents. Dad would bring the boys down every summer to see the trains and tell us stories. Dad started with CN in 1955 and first worked on the passengers trains. I have little recollection of the passenger trains even thought they passed in front of our house everyday. I was born in 1962 so I should be old enough to remember them LOL. Dad worked on the trains on display at the museum one time or another. If attaching photos is easy I will find a few that may be of interest.

As teens and early university days dad would take myself and a buddy along on the trains now and then. We would take our tent and fishing gear and get dropped off in the interior to fish for trout. Fond memories indeed, from setting up tent, cooking over the open fire, catching plenty of trout and of course riding in the engine or caboose. The caboose was the most fun, much more room to walk about, sitting up top and hopping back from side to side and it had a bathroom which used to flush directly onto the track. I also remember the red flares in the caboose, as young fellers they were always an attraction. I can still smell the old stove they lit up on route to boil the big old tin kettle. Fond train travel memories with my dad.
Below........Skyline Lounge Seating on the Main Level

??? Illustration Image Picture - something missing here ???

Opps. My bad. My eyesight and small phone screen don’t always see eye to eye.

I was replying to NS VIA Fan‘s post up thread asking if he had an update on the Skyline lounge possibly being added to the Ocean.

Scroll back to an earlier post by NS VIA Fan and you can see the missing image.