Tier status extended/bumped

Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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My 2024 Select Plus "card" (electronic on the app) is good through 2/27/2025. I didn't know they awarded status in the current year as soon as you get over the TQP threshold.
My Select card (also electronic) has a "valid through" fate of 02/27/2025 as well.

TQPs earned on the credit card seem to hit my account a few days after the monthly statement is issued but always in monthly buckets. The TQPs earned from train travel (not ticket purchases) seem to be credited a couple of days following the travel, seemingly always in real time + a couple of days.

We're currently on a trip CHI to California and back. We've been on multiple trains in California across several days, and the train travel TQPs are being credited to my account in dribs and drabs.