Train Jam 2018: CZ (5) March 15-18

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Train Jam -- aka 5(15) -- made up 22 minutes between GSC and GJT today, and departed GJT on time after a 26 minute dwell for equipment servicing, crew change, and passenger purchases in the station store.

It will be interesting to see if the train can maintain this schedule -- or even beat it? -- before tackling the deep snows of the Sierra Nevada tomorrow morning on 17 March.
The 6(16) arrived at Truckee at 8:25pm PDT and left Truckee at 8:46pm PDT, running about 6 hours late . . .

I-80 was closed to traffic both ways around 2pm PDT Friday, from Colfax to the Nevada State Line due to heavy snowfall and poor visibility.
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5(15) is now sitting in Reno. I’m guessing that they are waiting on snow removal equipment further west.

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5(15) is now sitting in Reno. I’m guessing that they are waiting on snow removal equipment further west.

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Indeed. They followed the plows. They sat in WIM for an hour. However, it was early. I wonder if anyone was awake.
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Train Jam arrived EMY 1 hour and 42 minutes late. Not too bad all things considered. Do we have any tweets or reviews?
Review the main retweets.

Too dang pretty outside to get any work done.

Coffee, better types such as expresso and more of it. Showers. Lack of, and the need for post trip.

Lack of sleep due to stay up all night issues.

The different weather and terrain that the train when past.

Nothing negative on the official tweets. (Reposted by admin types.)

Honorable mention: (2)

Was a tweet of screen shot of AU. [Chakk and LoneStar]

Rename the CZ to Train Jam on track-a-train.

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Review the main retweets.

Too dang pretty outside to get any work done.

Coffee, better types such as expresso and more of it. Showers. Lack of, and the need for post trip.

Lack of sleep due to stay up all night issues.

The different weather and terrain that the train when past.

Nothing negative on the official tweets. (Reposted by admin types.)

I guess all of that staying up all night compensated for the prettiness outside. They managed to produce 81 games, including 17 that are browser playable.

Games that caught my eye were:

Chu-Chu Train Wreck

Tricky Tracks-Keep the train on rails for 60 secs

Pong With Guns (Train Jam 2018)-Silly local multiplayer fun!

NIGHT TRAIN-NIGHT TRAIN is a tiny not-game made in the darkest hours of night during Train Jam 2018

Dark Side of Balloon-Possessed balloons fight for the glory of hell!

The Train Jam Game Jam Game-An odyssey of making a game on a cross country trip.

Relax Frog-A game for relaxing and what not

I was tempted to play Run Bitch, Get Help and Run Bitch, Get Help! - Part 2 but it is designed as a two player game and the set up is a bit much.

I'll let you know how I make up with Relax Frog soon!
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Some of the games were displayed at the Train Jam booth in the vendor hall at the Game Developers Conference. Disappointing for me — I was hoping to see posted photographs of the train itself.

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