Just a clarifying question here - when does a railfan cross over to "Foamer" status?
I think I may know, but just wanted to be sure. I was
watching a YouTube video the other day, and the guy came off as a verrrry strange individual. When a CSX coal train had a coupler fail and go into emergency (big holed) I thought he was going to have an orgasm wile chasing the train down a somewhat busy two-lane highway. I think
that type of person may be considered a "Foamer".
But, how about those of us who grew up in a railroad family? My mom was very proud of her father and her younger brother (still employed as conductor for BNSF) and the railroad history of her home town. My grandfathers picture is in one of the exhibits at the railroad museum in Teague. I grew up listening to stories about what goes on from the cab of a locomotive, or from the perspective of a young brakeman who later worked his way up to Conductor. I have a passive interest in the "heyday" years of passenger trains - the striking individuality of the rolling stock and the colorful names that inspired your imagination.